Y/N's Move set and Bio for Freedom Planet 2

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The reader decides they need a refresher on Y/N so they head into Character Bios and click the file named Y/N.

This will be edited over time!

 Name- Y/N

Age- 11

Species- Fox (with slight hints of feral canine)

Gender- Neutral

Family- Deceased, never got to see them.

Relationships: Y/N has various friends, including Milla (their crush), Lilac, Carol, Neera, and Corazon (sometimes). 

They currently live in Milla's Laboratory and have a close bond with her. 

Likes: Milla, their friends, helping people, being treated right, Their dog bed, Peanut butter.

Hates: Askal, being treated like a pet, being called a mutt, when the reader takes too long, when they get injured, feeling useless, questioning their identity, Water.

Appearance: A blue hoodie with black shorts and fuzzy winter boots. (Color) hair (Color) eye and (Color) fur

Class- Mixed between explorer and brawler.


Punch: Clicking this will allow Y/N to perform a simple punch, clicking this in quick succession will make Y/N perform a quick Left Punch, Right Punch and a quick upwards Kick. (Can be used underwater) If in the air Y/N can perform a quick drop kick propelling them forward.

Slide: Y/N's "Guard" unlike most Characters Y/N must be moving in order to use this. It will allow them to dodge attacks performing a quick slide under the enemy. Typically used to dodge melee attacks but if timed properly can Dodge ranged attacks. If Y/N slides while their back is turned, they will execute a quick backflip over the enemy. (Can not be used underwater)

Pounce: (Must be crouching to use this ability) When used Y/N will pounce a short distance from their position, this can be used to cross small gaps or get the drop on enemies. (When under water Y/N will attempt to jump when you use pounce but will fall on their face)

Double Jump: A small boost in the air when jumping this allows Y/N to get to heights others would not be able. (Can not use underwater)


Speed- While it is true that Y/N's fox design allows them to be very fast, it is not solely because of their foxlike attributes. Y/N's speed is also influenced by their own physical abilities and training. Their ability to run on two legs or on all fours in their animalistic form enhances their agility and speed, providing them with an extra advantage.

Strength- Y/N has been shown to very strong at times despite their size and taking on foes twice even three times their size.

Stealth- Y/N's sleek and agile physique allows them to navigate through narrow spaces and tight corners without making much noise. Their sharp senses, inherited from their fox genes, also contribute to their stealth abilities, enabling them to pick up on even the faintest sounds and movements in their surroundings. One specific aspect that aids Y/N's stealth abilities are their fuzzy winter boots. These boots help to dampen the sound of their footsteps, allowing them to move silently and smoothly. The soft padding and insulation provided by the boots also help to muffle any noise created when walking on different surfaces, such as gravel or leaves. 

Loyalty- Loyalty is indeed a defining trait of Y/N. Their determination and unwavering commitment to their friends and missions are evident, as they are willing to forgo sleep for days in order to track down Shuigang's thief. This showcases their loyalty and dedication to their cause. Furthermore, Y/N's loyalty extends to anyone they consider a friend. They have a strong protective instinct and go to great lengths to ensure the safety of their companions. This includes jumping into harm's way, growling, and even appearing rabid to deter potential threats. Their loyalty is unwavering, as they prioritize the well-being of their friends over their own safety. Y/N is so loyal that would if they had to "take a bullet" for their friends.

Animalistic traits: Y/N is different from the other characters because instead of acting more like a person Y/N instead acts more like an animal leading to lots of confusion of other characters and themselves if they are an animal or a person. But their traits do come with perks, such as their fox ears which are sensitive to noise allowing them to hear even the tiniest of noises. They also have increased smell allowing them to sniff people and sense what their intention are, though with this Y/N is distracted by new smells and or loud noises such as flowers and alarms.


Fear: Y/N holds a lot of trauma from their childhood as a kit this is shown in past chapters. Which has affected their ability to trust others and feel safe in certain situations. As a result, Y/N developed a deep-rooted fear that lingers in their everyday life. This fear often manifests as anxiety and hypervigilance, causing Y/N to be constantly on guard and hesitant to open up to others. They have difficulty forming close relationships and struggle to let people into their life, fearing that they will be hurt or abandoned. Y/N's fear also affects their ability to feel safe in certain situations. They may have developed specific phobias related to their traumatic experiences, such as fear of enclosed spaces or fear of loud noises. They find it challenging to trust people in authority or unfamiliar environments, as they associate them with potential harm or danger. Throughout the story, Y/N's fear is depicted through their internal monologues, physical reactions, and avoidance behaviors. They may have nightmares or flashbacks that retraumatize them, intensifying their fear and pushing them further into isolation.

Water: Y/N's aversion to water is a significant aspect of their personality. Their fear and distrust of water stem from the multiple dangerous encounters they have had with it in the past. As a result, Y/N exhibits a slower swimming speed and weaker lung capacity compared to other characters. Their past experiences have shaped their perspective on water, leading to a cautious approach and a preference for staying away from it whenever possible. 

Comb's: Y/N for some reason can't find a single comb that won't stick to their tail, leading to a lot of combs being either stuck or forcefully broken.

Mute: Y/N is completely dependent on alternative forms of communication due to a throat injury sustained during their youth. This injury has left them mute, unable to produce vocal sounds. However, they have adapted to this situation by effectively expressing themselves through actions, sign language, and simple hand gestures.

Self-doubt: Due to people looking at Y/N differently Y/N has become doubtful if they are a member of society or a lowly animal. When Y/N hears Juniper's comments about them acting like a pet and living under the same roof, it triggers a wave of self-doubt and negative self-perception. Y/N starts questioning their worth and their place in society, wondering if they are seen as nothing more than a lowly animal. These feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy weigh heavily on Y/N's mind, making them feel disconnected from the rest of society. Y/N begins to believe that they are perceived as lesser and undeserving of the same respect and rights that other members of society enjoy. Juniper's comment about Y/N sleeping in a dog bed further reinforces this negative self-perception. Y/N starts to internalize the idea that they are merely a pet, someone who is confined to a certain role and lacks autonomy or agency in their own life. This realization leads to a sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness within Y/N.

Endurance: Due to Y/N only being a child their body can only take so much before they hit their limit. 

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