Part 3

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???2: Why hello their sandwich thief!

As they held you up by your tail which was very uncomfortable, You looked up at them taking in their appearance, they were a green Wildcat with dark green stripes on their face and green eyes, They were 4'4"in height, The tips of their tail and ears were black, while the inner parts of their ears and midriff are white with yellow edges, they are wearing a black tank top that shows off their midriff, dark green cargo shorts and black biker gloves with yellow cuffs. Their boots are black and green with yellow laces. They were wearing a red scarf around their neck.

You honestly thought you were looking at a boy but her voice said otherwise.

Carol: She squinted her eyes in a threatening manner. " Listen here buddy what makes you think you can just break into our house and EAT MY, YES SPECIFICALLY MY SANDWICH!!!!!!" she yelled that last part.

You closed your eyes as she yelled the last part feeling bad that you ate it. You didn't respond though it was not like you even could if you wanted to.

!!SNAP!!! !!!SNAP!!!!

She snaps her fingers a couple of times. " Hey buddy are you even listening to me?

Carol: "Fine playing strong silent type I've got ways to make people like you talk."

Suddenly a pair of claws come out of the hand that wasn't holding you.

You flinched as you saw the claws coming out of Carol's hand. You were scared and didn't know what to do. You didn't want to get scratched by those sharp claws. You tried to plead with her using your eyes, hoping she would understand that you didn't mean to eat her sandwich.

As Carol brought her claws closer, you couldn't help but start to cry. You felt helpless and scared, not knowing what was going to happen to you. You wished you could talk and explain the situation, but you were just a small animal in her grasp.

Just then, you heard footsteps coming up the ladder. You and Carol turned her head towards the sound of someone climbing up the ladder.

It was the same dragon that had saved you in the forest yesterday.

"CAROL WHAT ARE YOU DOING" the Dragon asked, looking at Carol and then at you in her grasp.

"Well Lilac this little thief broke into our house and ate my sandwich," Carol replied, still holding you tightly as you struggled in her grip.

You continued to struggle in Carol's grip, trying to break free from her sharp claws. You didn't want to get hurt, and you also didn't want to be seen as a thief. You hoped that the dragon would understand your situation and come to your aid. You looked up at the dragon with pleading eyes, hoping that she would do something to help you. You tried to wiggle your body, hoping that you could somehow slip out of Carol's grasp, but it was no use. You were just too small and weak to break free from her hold. You felt a sense of desperation wash over you as you realized that you were completely at Carol's mercy.

"Now where were we oh yes, "Carol says with a grin on her face. You looked at her with frightened eyes you closed them just imagining what was going to happen to you.

A young basset hound climbed up the ladder, you and Carol both turned to look at her. You look at her the best you could to take in details. She was a female hush basset puppy with ivory-white fur, bushy orange hair, bright green eyes, and large ears with a set of four bright green discs on them, she was wearing a sleeveless, beige unitard-like outfit with a bright green tag and showed off a green outfit with white stripes underneath (possibly a swimsuit or a leotard). She also had disks on her arms and legs she was also barefoot.

"Carol what are you gonna do to them" she says with sad eyes.

Suddenly you felt the the pressure on your tail disappear you slowly opened your eyes to find Carol looked a lot calmer now.

I took a deep breath as Carol finally set you down. I trembled with fear, unsure of what was going to happen next. I looked up at her with scared eyes, hoping that she had changed her mind about hurting you. You didn't want to be seen as a thief or a troublemaker, you just wanted to not die. You stayed still, waiting to see what Carol would do next.

She looked at you with glaring eyes. "You got lucky that she was here, "But that doesn't explain anything who are you and what are you doing in our tree house" Milla pokes me while Carol scolds me. Milla began sniffing me, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I didn't know these people and I didn't want them to think that I was a threat. I tried to stay still, not wanting to make any sudden movements that could be interpreted as aggression. I hoped that Milla would be able to tell that I meant no harm and that I was just a small animal and very confused.

She finally stopped sniffing you after about 2 minutes it was very uncomfortable.

Milla: "They seem like a nice person they are just lost," she says with a worried tone

You then quickly remember something in your backpack, They watch as he grabs his backpack from Milla who is sniffing it. You dug into the bag and pulled out a small handheld tape recorder. You push the play button and a very scratchy voice plays. "Y-Y/N"

The three girls looked confused until the Lilac spoke up.

Lilac: Is that your name?

You began slowly nodding as your face blushed from embarrassment.

Suddenly Carol spoke up. "Well 'Y/N' you still need to pay for my sandwich that you wrongfully ate!!

You dug into your bag. The girls were very curious, mainly Milla as she kept trying to peek at what you were looking for, after a few minutes of struggling Carol helped you pull out a small heavy wooden box.

Milla: Uh I don't think you can pay with a super heavy box. She says silently giggling.

Suddenly Y/N grabs the box from Carol and smashes it on the floor, a bunch of blue gems start popping out of the broken box. The 3 girls stood there shocked while you kept a neutral face.

Lilac: "OMG this kid has like a thousand gems!!!!"

"Y/N watched as the three girls gathered around the display of shimmering gems, their eyes filled with wonder and excitement. Y/N couldn't help but feel a little confused as to why the girls were so captivated by the stones. They seemed to be drawn to the gems as if they held some sort of mystical power. Y/N wondered if it was their beauty that made the girls so enamored with them. As the girls discussed their favorite gems and their various properties, Y/N couldn't help but feel a little left out. They didn't understand the fascination with the stones, but they didn't want to seem rude or dismissive. So, Y/N politely listened, still wondering what it was about the gems that made the girls so passionate about them.

Carol then looks at Y/N. "Heh, I think you and me are gonna get along pretty well.

Y/N stood there confused and pulled out a piece of paper and pencil from their bag and began to write messily. They then turned the paper over and said messily "Why like shiny rocks?

Carol looked at you with a puzzled expression and replied, "What do you mean? This is money"

Y/N looked at the gems in confusion. "Money?" Y/N repeated in their mind, still unsure. "It's what we use to buy things," explained Milla and Lilac. Y/N still didn't fully understand, but they trusted them.

Lilac looks at Y/N and asks " How long have you been in the woods alone?"

Y/N looked up at Lilac and tried to communicate with them using gestures. They pointed toward the woods and then held up both hands that were shaped as 0s, indicating that they had been in the woods for all their life. They hoped Lilac would understand and not see them as a threat.

Lilac looked confused and just plainly said "Huh"

You grab your tape recorder from Milla who was trying to chew it and press the reverse button where the scratchy voice says "Life"

The 3 girls looked at you with concern.

You blankly stared at them confused about why they were concerned...

(A/N) Hey, Yawl Sky or Archer here I'm gonna try and do a chapter every single day so Yawl can enjoy this.

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