Part 8 trauma

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3rd POV

Y/N wakes up with a startled gasp, they look around the room to find that they are on the couch they then hear soft snores, they look to their side to see Carol sleeping. Their head hurt as they tried to recall the events leading up to this moment. They then remember the panic attack and being put in a dark place. Y/N gently taps Carol's shoulder, as soon as they tap Carol's shoulder her claws come out as she begins to swing at the air randomly. Y/N jumps back at her reaction dodging her swipes. Y/N's heart races as they quickly retreat from Carol's unexpected aggression. They watch in astonishment as Carol continues to lash out, seemingly unaware of their presence. After a few moments Carol stops, her claws go away and she lets out a deep yawn while stretching. "Man what time is it," she says Groggily.

Y/N cautiously approaches Carol, keeping a safe distance, and stares at her, hoping to get her attention. Carol's eyes slowly focus on Y/N, confusion evident in her expression. Y/N looks at her with sadness in their eyes.  "Oh hey kid are you feeling better from yesterday?", Carol asks with concern.

Y/N slowly nods while looking at the floor. Carol stares at Y/N and feels the urge that they are lying. Carol's concern quickly turns into suspicion as she notices Y/N's evasive behavior. She decides to confront them, her voice tinged with a mix of worry and frustration. "Listen bud I'm normally not the one to talk about feelings but would it help if you talked about it?" Y/N hesitates for a moment, their gaze still fixed on the floor. Carol's words hang in the air, and Y/N can sense her genuine concern. Finally, they muster up the courage to meet Carol's eyes and nod slowly.  "Maybe talking about it could help," Y/N thinks. 

Carol sits on the couch Y/N doing the same thing. They take a deep breath, preparing themselves for the emotional conversation that lies ahead. Carol reaches out and gently places a hand on Y/N's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I'm here for you, bud," she says softly. "Take your time, and know that I'm here to listen." Y/N looked at Carol with a happy smile, lying back on the couch.

Y/N begins tearing up as they begin to write on a piece of paper they grabbed from a table near the couch. 

"It's about the way previous people have treated me I would always get bullied for having no home, no friends, nothing. "STUPID FOX", "VERMIN", GO AWAY YOU HOBO. 

Then one day I snapped I ran into the forest bawling my eyes out and screaming. I ran.. and RAN... AND RAN until..... I couldn't run anymore. I ended up tripping on something and falling on my neck Hard, which is why I can barely speak. Then after I was sick I had a nightmare of seeing shadows of my mommy and daddy, they kept saying that I deserved it, and I was just confused and scared, I tried screaming but all that came out were raspy coughs. Then I just gave up and curled into a ball. That's when you woke me up and I just started panicking" 

They set the pencil down signaling that they were done writing. Y/N looked down and handed the paper to Carol. She took it and began reading over it. 

After a few moments of reading she stared at Y/N who was quietly crying into their hoodie, she sighed, stood up, and walked towards Y/N. She picks him up by his arms, they stare at her tears still going down their face. 

Carol then hugs them.

Y/N stares at Carol with wide eyes as she holds them close. Y/N feels a mixture of comfort and confusion. Carol usually isn't a hugger.  Y/N tries to hold back their crying, struggling to do so. "Hey bud it's alright, let it out," Carol whispers soothingly. Y/N finally lets their guard down and allows themselves to cry in Carol's embrace. The warmth and understanding from Carol's hug provide a sense of solace that Y/N desperately needed in that moment. Y/N Begins sobbing into Carol's chest.

As Y/N sobs into Carol's chest, their body trembles with the release of pent-up emotions. The sound of their cries fills the air, echoing the weight they have been carrying. Carol holds them tighter, offering a safe space for Y/N to let go and heal. 

After a few minutes, Carol notices that Y/N feels lighter and hears soft snores. Gently, Carol eases Y/N onto the couch, making sure they are comfortable and still wrapped in her embrace. She smiles softly, knowing that Y/N has found some much-needed peace and rest in this moment of vulnerability. 

After half an hour she gets up slowly to not disturb them and walks into the kitchen. As Carol enters the kitchen, she takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude for being able to provide comfort to Y/N.  "Man I didn't expect all of that", she mutters to herself, reflecting on the intense emotions and unexpected turn of events. 

"Poor Kid".....


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