Freedom Planet 2 Ch 7

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Y/N woke up feeling parched late in the night so the left the room they were sleeping in, their hair was a mess, their fur looked unkept and tangled as their fox tail followed lazily behind them while their ears were flat on their head. They began searching for the kitchen, their winter boots making little noise as they walked.

They open a door to see a ship. Y/N stares at the ship a sense of curiosity consumes them as they step inside.

Y/N cautiously entered the small metal ship, their curiosity driving them forward. The interior of the ship was dimly lit and filled with various buttons, levers, and screens. The air had a faint metallic scent, and the hum of the ship's engine resonated throughout. As Y/N explored further, they noticed a large cooler next to the pilot seat. 

Y/N's parched throat reminded them of their initial quest for the kitchen, but the cooler intrigued them. With a hesitant glance, they approached the cooler and slowly lifted the lid. Revealing a couple of branded sodas and water bottles. 

Y/N being the 11-year-old child they are grabs a soda labeled "Sprint."

As Y/N grabbed the soda labeled "Sprint", they examined it curiously. The brand logo had a vibrant design, and the promise of a refreshing drink enticed them. Thirst getting the better of them, they decided to take a chance and opened the soda. A satisfying hiss escaped from the can as Y/N took their first sip. The fizzy soda brought immediate relief to their parched throat, and they sighed in contentment. The sweet and tangy flavor danced on their taste buds, leaving them wanting more. 

Suddenly Y/N hears footsteps coming toward the ship. Y/N not wanting to be seen drinking a soda at who knows what time at night panics and jumps into the cooler.

Y/N huddled inside the cooler, hoping to remain hidden from whoever was approaching the ship. The narrow space compressed their body and the water inside soaking their fur, and they tried to regulate their breathing, straining to hear any sound from outside. The footsteps grew louder, and Y/N's heart raced with fear and anticipation. As the footsteps reached the ship, the sound stopped abruptly. Y/N held their breath, fearing that they had been discovered. Moments passed in tense silence, and they could hear faint whispers outside the ship. The voice was too muffled to make out any words, but Y/N's imagination ran wild with possibilities.

Y/N's heart pounded in their chest as they listened to the unfamiliar person take control of the ship. The engine roared to life, vibrating beneath Y/N's hiding spot in the cooler. Fear and excitement mingled within them, unsure of what was happening or where this unexpected journey would take them. As the ship began to lift off the ground, Y/N held onto the sides of the cooler, their grip tightening with each passing moment. They could feel the ship ascending into the night sky, the sensation of weightlessness enveloping them. 

Carol: Alright gonna go to Purussa, Find Cory, convince her to join us and take down Merga! Awesome plan carol, Heh I know Carol. Man, I'm thirsty.

Suddenly a soda appears next to Carol.

Carol grabs the soda and takes a long sip, quenching her thirst. 

Carol: Wait a minute! The Wildcats eyes go wide. Where did..?

She looks around in surprise, wondering where the soda came from. Her eyes scan the ship's interior, and she notices the cooler with its lid slightly ajar. Curiosity getting the better of her, Carol lifts the lid and peeks inside. To her surprise, she finds Y/N huddled within the cooler, wide-eyed and startled.

Carol: Y/N what are you doing in their?! she says in shock

Y/N stand up and gets out of the cooler. 

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