Freedom Planet 2 Ch 5

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The scene opens up with Y/N the 11-year-old gender neutral mute fox in the Shang Tu palace Dojo, they begin kicking a training dummy frustration on their mind. Suddenly memories start coming into their mind.

Neera: Mutt...

Askal: Seriously first the puppy and now this poor excuse for a dog?! Watch where you're going Mutt!

Neera: MUTT!

Juniper: You sleep in dog bed, you like being petted behind your ears, you eat without utensils, and you can't speak. YOU ARE PET!

Y/N's frustration turns into anger as they remember everyone calling them a pet. They continue to kick the training dummy, venting their emotions and trying to process the feelings of insecurity and humiliation that linger in their mind.

With every hit, Y/N feels a release of pent-up frustration and anger. They unleash all of their emotions onto the training dummy, letting out a wild fury that has been dormant for too long. The scene becomes a blur as Y/N loses themselves in their rage, feeling a sense of liberation and release with each kick and punch.After a few moments, their anger fades, replaced by exhaustion and a sense of calm. They stand up, their breaths heavy and their body aching from the intensity of their outburst.

Y/N looks at their paws before laying down and crying. As Y/N lays on the ground, tears streaming down their face, a sense of sadness and confusion overwhelm them. They question their identity and their place in the world, feeling lost and alone in their struggle to understand themselves. 

Y/N (Mind): WHAT AM I!!!!!!

Y/N's ears then hear the Dojo door open, interrupting their thoughts and causing them to quickly wipe away their tears before anyone sees them. They turn around to see Lilac and Carol, who had come to check on them. 

 Lilac: Hey Y/N, are you alright? 

 Y/N nods, trying to mask the emotion in their mind. They stand up, feeling a sense of embarrassment and shame at their outburst.

They walk out the door and pass Askal as he went into the dojo.

Askal: Mutt!

Y/N ignores Askal's derogatory remark, refusing to let his words tear them down. They continue walking, their mind a mix of confusion and determination. 

Askal: You really think you're making a difference, don't you?

Y/N ignores them and walks toward Millas Potion stand, determined to focus on their new role as a protector of Shang Tu and to prove their worth to their friends and themselves.As Y/N approaches Milla's Potion stand, they are greeted by the sight of their friend hard at work, mixing and concocting various potions. Despite the chaos and destruction that surrounds them, Milla remains focused and determined to use her talents to help those in need. Y/N feels a sense of admiration and respect for Milla, inspired by her passion and dedication to her craft.Y/N grabs a nearby stool and sits down next to Milla, watching as she continues to mix and pour various liquids into her potion bottles. They take a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm and comfort in the presence of their friend.Milla looks over and smiles at Y/N before turning back to her work.Y/N's mind begins to wander as they watch Milla work, their thoughts shifting towards their own role as a protector of Shang Tu.

Suddenly General Gong walks over to them.

Gong: Hey Milla, Y/N we need you. King Dail of Shuigang is asking for our help. Apparently, they need help to track down a thief that's been stealing their weapon.

The Magister walks next to General Gong.

The Magister: Shuigang has become a close ally. It would be an honor to assist them in their time of need.

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