Part 9

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3rd POV

Y/N sat on a bench in the park, looking around anxiously as they waited for their friend Nathen. Despite the beautiful weather, they couldn't enjoy it as they kept glancing at their fingers, growing more and more worried with each passing minute. They had been waiting for quite some time now, and there was no sign of Nathen. Y/N began to wonder if he had forgotten about their plans or if something had happened to him. They stared at a few little kids playing and began to wonder if they'll ever have a life like that. 

A few minutes later their acute hearing picked up on the sound of someone approaching, they turned their head to see Nathen approaching. A rush of excitement filled Y/N's body, as they felt their tail instinctively wagging back and forth. Y/N looked at Nathen as he stopped in front of them, panting. They felt concerned." Sorry I had to do chores before I could leave" he says while panting. Y/N is confused  by the new word "Chore" for a few seconds but shakes it off. 

"So, what do you want to do?" Y/N was actually curious about a particular structure before Nathen arrived. They pointed toward a small swing set. They had never used a swing before, so they were a little nervous. Nathen noticed this, "Uh you good buddy?" Y/N looked at him with a nervous stare. "Have you actually ever been on a swing?" Nathen said with a small grin. Y/N looked down with an embarrassed blush on their face slowly shaking their head. Nathen didn't seem to mind. Instead, he grinned and took Y/N's hand, leading them toward the swing set. Y/N felt nervous as they sat on the swing, shaking a bit as it slowly moved, but Nathen gently pushed them, and they felt a rush of excitement as they soared through the air. It was a new and exhilarating experience for them, and they couldn't help but smile as they swung higher and higher. 

After a few minutes Y/N gets off the swing, feeling a little dizzy. They stumble a bit as they try to regain their balance, but Nathen is quick to catch them. He places a hand on their back. "You ok?" Y/N nods, feeling a little embarrassed about their lack of coordination. "Hey don't worry happens during your first time, how about a break?" They sit on a nearby bench and watch as other children run around and play. Y/N feels a sense of contentment wash over them as they enjoy the simple pleasures of the day. They turn to Nathen and smile, grateful for his company and the memories they're making together.

After a few hours of playing a beeping sound starts coming from Nathen's watch, Nathen clicks a button on his watch which stops the beeping. "Sorry, that's my reminder that I need to head home or my mom's going to start worrying where I am."

Y/N nods and watches as the wildcat runs off in the direction of his house, Y/N felt a little sad as they watched him leave, but he shook it off as they knew they would see them tomorrow. Y/N sits down on the bench and take a deep breath.

Suddenly, Y/N notices a large shadow looming behind them, and a deep male voice breaks the silence.

"Hey pip-squeak!!" Y/N turns around to see a Male bear, taking in their appearance the bear had brown fur with black stripes along their face, they were wearing a black shirt and tan shorts with sneakers that had black soles and no laces. "This here is my bench!!" He said in a threatening tone.  Y/N felt intimidated by his size and the aggressiveness in his tone. They tried to calm the situation by throwing his hands up in a surrendering motion and walking away. However, the bear wasn't interested in their pity, and he continued to threaten Y/N. " I'm going to teach you what happens when little kids like you take stuff from people like me.

 Before they could do anything Y/N felt a jolt of pain as the bear grabbed them by the scruff. They winced, feeling helpless and vulnerable in his grasp. Y/N began to squirm in his grip.  He continued to hold Y/N tightly, making them feel trapped and scared. Y/N started to panic, wondering if they would be able to get away from the bear and if anyone would come to their rescue. They look around for anyone to help them but they had already left hours ago.

Y/N wants to try to talk to him to diffuse the situation, but they know they can't speak. Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline as they struggled to break free from the bear's grip. In their panic, they accidentally kicked the bear in the snout. The bear let out a loud yelp of pain. A small brown petal falls off of him.

The bear puts the hand that wasn't holding Y/N up to his nose, he looks at it and sees blood.

Y/N freezes realizing what they've done, staring at the bear with terrified eyes. The bear looks at Y/N with anger in his eyes. "Oh, now you've done it you little sh-!

Suddenly, a blur comes out of nowhere, and a sharp scratching sound fills the air. The bear drops Y/N and caresses their injured cheek. As Y/N looks up, they see a figure standing in front of them, revealed to be Carol. She stands tall and confident, Claws at the ready. "I suggest you back off unless you want a face full of punchies!" Carol says in a stern voice, ready to strike at a moment's notice if he tried anything. The bear growls, but he takes a step back, intimidated by Carol's presence. Y/N looks at Carol with a mix of awe and gratitude, feeling relieved that she came to their rescue. Carol looks at Y/N, "You ok bud?" She says while bends down and extends her hand. Y/N takes her hand lifting themselves up and dust off their pants, they then begin doing sign language. Carol groaned at this, she used to do sign language back when Lilac didn't have her hearing aids but that was years ago so she's a little rusty.

Y/N: "Thank you Carol I don't know what I would've done without you", it takes a few moments for Carol to translate but she nods signalling that she understands.

Carol: " Probably be a pancake by now, but seriously what did you do to upset him so much to the point of wanting to knock your lights out?"

Y/N: "Nothing I was just sitting on this bench and he just started threatening me that this was his bench, and you know me I cant say anything to diffuse the situation so I just back off but then he grabbed me, I accidentally kicked him when I struggled to escape, I probably would have been dead if you hadn't showed up," They sniffle a little.

Y/N walks over to Carol and hugs her lower waist since their short, Carol not expecting this stares in shock but gives in and hugs back. " Alright ya goober lets get back to the tree house Lilacs cooking tonight and I'm starving" Carol says while putting her hands behind her head.

Y/N Nods, And so the Fox and Wildcat both head back home......

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