Chapter 9: The Cat and The Ice 3

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Ruby was walking with Penny in the streets of Vale. It's been 30 minutes they were walking in hope to find Blake, but no chance this far. As they walk Penny ask questions to Ruby, who tried her best to answer.

Penny: So, Blake is your friend ?

Ruby: *sigh* Yes, Penny.

Penny: But you are mad at her ?

Ruby: Yes ! Well, I'm not, Weiss is.

Penny: Is she friend with Blake ?

Ruby: That's kind of up in the air right now.

Penny: But why ?!

Ruby: *sigh* Blake might not be who we thought she was.

Penny:*gasp* Is she a man ?

Ruby: No, no, Penny, she's not a man, she's... I don't know....

Penny seeing the distress in Ruby's eyes, try to give an advice.

Peeny: You know, I don't have a lot of friends, but If I did I would want them to talk about things.

Ruby: Me too....

Penny and Ruby continue to walk in silence, until Penny ask, again, a question.

Penny: Friend Ruby, I have something to ask you.

Ruby just hum at Penny, half listening.

Penny: Why Y/N and Chad don't have auras ?

Ruby stop suddenly with her eyes wide open in surprise. Penny also stop walking, looking at Ruby with a curious look.

Ruby: Wait, wait, what do you mean ?

Penny: Well I was curious as why they don't have any aura.

Ruby: I... I don't know they never told us anything about it.

Penny: You must be crazy to go to a hunter school with an aura, or they have a good reason, or something else.

JNPR Dorms

Jaune: Achoo !

Ren: Bless you.

Back to Vale

Ruby had a worried look on her face. She noticed that Y/N almost never talk about his weapon, scratch that she don't even know the name of it. She take the decision, after everything is settled with Blake, she's going to ask a few things to Y/N, hoping he is going to cooperate.

Ruby: I will ask him later. For now the most important is to find Blake.


Blake, Sun and Chad were walking the streets. Sun walk in front of Blake and Chad.

Sun: So, what's the plan ?

Blake: I still don't believe the White Fang is behind those robberies. They've never needed that much.

Chad: Before they were pacifist, now It's an other story.

Sun: He's right. What If they did ?

Blake look at Sun intrigued.

Sun: I mean the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there... Right ?

Chad nod at Sun's idea.

Blake: The thing is, I have no idea where that would be.

Sun: Well, when I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipement of Dust coming from Atlas.

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