𝐯. beautiful thing waste away

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Breakfast was a simple affair, or as simple as the Catton's ever had it. Instead of in the dining hall they were all seated on an outdoor veranda with pastries and juices aplenty around the already stocked table. 

Oliver couldn't help but think back to that very first morning as it mirrored this very one for Alexandra was no where to be found. Since the two had made their way back to Saltburn the night before, he had not seen the golden haired girl and it ached in him. He was like an addict. He needed his next fix.

Interrupting his musings, Felix appeared from behind him and took a seat beside Oliver quite sulkily if he was being honest.

"Morning." Oliver said, watching as Felix grabbed a pastry from the basket in front of him. "You sleep well?"

"Not really mate, no." Felix bit out, not meeting Oliver's eyes as the Quick boy furrowed his brow. Never once had Felix taken that tone with him. One of... Oliver couldn't tell if it was disgust or pure irritation. He didn't like either.

"We're thirty for dinner tomorrow night." James interrupted Oliver's thoughts. "Stopford Sackville has cried off."

"Oh dear." Elspbeth said quite unconvincingly as she took a sip of her orange juice. "That's a shame."

Before Oliver could even take another breath, Felix, Farleigh and Venetia all collectively groaned at the adults conversation.

"God I forgot about dinner." Felix said, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

"Wait, who's coming to dinner tonight?" Farleigh asked as Venetia laughed.

"The Henry's."

"No!" Farleigh exclaimed, eyes widening as his eyes moved between Elspbeth and James. "Please!"

"Who are the Henry's?" Oliver asked and Venetia snorted, eyes flicking up to him.

"Dad's friends." She explained, pulling at a piece of bread. "They're all called Henry."

"Not all of them!" James interrupted indignantly. "Just some..."

"It'll be fun." Elspbeth said, attempting to save her husband from the children badmouthing his friends but Venetia was having none of it it seems.

"It'll be being molested by Henry." She cut in, looking at her father with a teasing smirk as she next spoke. "You know which one..."

"I'll put you and your sister next to Oliver then. He can molest you." Elspbeth said, buttering her bread as Oliver noticed Felix stiffen beside him at her words. But before anyone. could say anything more, Elspbeth spoke again. "Oh Oliver, I was going to say, we should do something fun for your birthday. A proper party! No Henry's! Something actually fun. What do you think darling?"

"If Oliver would like it then I think it's a splendid idea." James said over his newspaper, smiling lightly at his wife.

"I think Oliver looks like he'd rather throw himself out of a window." Farleigh drawled snidely as all eyes flicked to Oliver who quickly schooled his expression.

"What kind of party?" He asked and Elspbeth gave him an elegant little shrug, something he had noticed Alexandra seemed to have inherited from her mother.

"I don't know, whatever you want." Elspbeth said, brow furrowing as she thought. "What do you think? About a hundred people?"

"A hundred?!"

"Or two, it invariably ends up being two, doesn't it? With this sort of thing." The woman continued. "Invite whoever you want, all your friends."

"What friends?" Farleigh asked, just loud enough for the entire table to hear but no one paid his comment any mind. Except for Oliver who looked desperately at Felix. Felix ignored him once more.

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