𝐯𝐢. mine all mine

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Oliver smiled from his place at the desk, not moving as he heard his door creak open. He had been waiting for her appearance ever since he had bid her goodnight at this evenings dinner, seeing her dressed in a simple, silken green dress which hugged every curve just perfectly had been tortuous.

Ten, my room, he had whispered to her as he followed after Felix when they both decided to retire. He had not known whether she would come or not but it seemed the gods were smiling down on him that night.

"I did not expect you to come, darling." He said, turning to face the girl who stood in his doorway, her silken nightgown falling over her body as the light from the halls burned behind her like a halo. 

"Should I not have?" Alexandra asked, crossing her arms as she stepped into the room while Oliver still stood sat at his desk, watching her as she moved with all the elegance he so adored.

Alexandra was esoteric, luminous even. Her aura so very intriguing that the moment as soon as she steps foot in any room. She wore her divinity like she wore her nightdress, as casually as the moon that still rose every night and set every day.

"How do you mean?" Oliver asked as Alexandra let out a little scoff, stepping closer so she was nearly right before him and he had to look up from his seated position.

"I am not a doll to be played with, Ollie." She said, her brow furrowed as she looked down at him. "I refuse to just be at your beck and call. The girl you find at night. I won't... I won't be that."

"I don't want you to be that." Oliver said immediately, reaching out his hands to rest on her hips and pull her so close he could have nuzzled his face into her stomach as he held her waist tightly in his grip. "You aren't like that for me, Lexi. That's not what I want."

It was silent for a moment as he rubbed circles into her hips and she finally met his eyes.

"What do you want then?"

"You." He said without hesitation. "I want you. Your bones, your body heat, your wit. To see how beautiful your eyes look beneath me. I want you to be mine"

He pulled her even closer, resting his chin upon her upper stomach as he stared up at her through his lashes, pressing a kiss to her soft knuckles. He held her so very softly, the softest anyone had ever held her. He never wanted to let her go.

Oliver was conscious of her inexpressibly tender heart. The fact that he could hold it, care for it, choose to break it if he wished. It rushed through him. To own the heart of a woman like Alexandra could be the peak of his very existence.

She had not yet said anything, seemingly thinking to herself but Oliver never said he was patient with affairs of the heart.

Pulling her into his lap, he heard her gasp slightly as he nuzzled his face into her neck, nipping and kissing at her exposed, soft flesh as he did so and his hand finding its way up her soft thigh beneath her night gown.

She moaned as he found her core but he paused his movements and tutted at her, whispering into her neck as she arched for friction against his fingers.

"Quiet for me, darling." He said quietly as Alexandra whined at the lack of his movement. "We don't want your brother to hear, do you?"

His desperate hands kneading at the supple flesh of Lexi's thighs, roaming up to where he was at his most desperate for her. The moment the pad of his thumb pressed against her clit a jolt of electricity raced through her body, moving her with a shocked flinch against the bed. His eyes bore into her's from below as if almost warning her to stay quiet. His eyes transfixed on hers as his thumb swirled around her sensitive nub, gathering slick from her entrance just to return to her clit, her climax building from the moment he touched you. 

𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now