𝐢𝐱. midsummer nights nightmare

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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"Felix... Look, Felix. Please, let me just explain." Oliver said, chasing after the taller man who was striding ahead of him into the Manor House.

It had been a long day leading up to the party that evening. It had been just a few days since Farleigh left and on the day of his birthday, he had been surprised by Felix with a trip to visit his mother which had backfired on the unsuspecting Quick boy as his lies, which this friendship had been built on, were revealed.

Felix stops. He's distant, but not unkind. It just seems as though he's desperate to be away from Oliver, unable to look him in the eye. It hurt Oliver more than he wished to admit.

"I think the best thing is for you to go home after your party." Felix said simply, turning back to Oliver who was almost in tears. "It's too late to cancel it now. Summer's almost finished anyway. So I think we'll have your party tonight, and... I will see you back at Oxford."

"We can still be friends though?" Oliver practically begged, hoping Duncan wouldn't appear from behind the doors while this scene continued. "I mean, we're going to laugh about this. I..I don't even know why I said it... It's just a stupid thing-"

"No, it's fucking weird is what it is, mate." Felix hissed, a truly hurt and somewhat disgusted look on his handsome features. "Honestly I don't even know where to start. I mean, you're a fucking liar, Ollie... Why would you lie?"

Oliver's voice was very small when it next came out.

"...I just wanted to be your friend."

"Look. Let's just get through tonight." Felix stated, turning to go back into the house when Oliver spoke again.

"Can you not tell your family, please -"

"Of course not! Fucking hell. It's dark enough as it is." He said, voice lowering with his next words as he pointed a finger at his once friend. "And if you go anywhere near my sisters, Alexandra especially, I will tell everyone how much of a fucking loser you are, okay?"

Felix left Oliver trembling behind him outside of the towering estate of Saltburn, its shadow cast over any who dared step near its grounds.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"Ollie!" Alexandra exclaimed happily, entering his room just as he had finished preparing his costume that night. 

She was dressed beautifully, matching with her brother as always but in a white dress and golden wings, a tiara of gold making her look just as regal as he had always seen her as.

Lexi launched herself into his arms and he embraced her, lifting her just slightly off the ground with a small laugh. He knew if anything could make him feel better about todays events, it was burrowing his face in her sweetly scented hair but his heart still tugged.

How easily this may all slip through his fingers.

"You look beautiful, Lexi." He said, pulling away from her to brush a piece of her hair out of her face as he studied her. "Is that what has you in such a good mood today?"

"I am not as vain as you believe me to be, Ollie." She said, raising a teasing brow at him. "It's your birthday! You should be as happy as I am."

When Oliver merely gave her a little smile, she furrowed her brow.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" She asked, worry seeping into her tone. "Felix said you visited your mother but not much-"

Oliver silence her by pressing a hungry kiss to her lips, only pulling away when he was sure she needed the relief of oxygen.

𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now