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Schlatt's POV

In what world was it even possible that we--humans--were living with half human half fish creatures? It seemed so unethical and so unreal. My eyes were either being completely delusional and whatever I was holding was a log in seaweed, or everything that I was reading online was completely fake. The thing that was ticking my interest, was how could someone make something like this up? It became such a controversy, that people started to actually believed that it was real. Was it as easy as drawing something on paper and saying that you swore it was real, or is it a fight of trying to make everyone believe that it was real?

I don't think that I am getting anywhere with my thought processes. Nothing is coming back to me, and nothing is helping me. Lets say, I did see whatever was out there. I did see that massively attractive boy that obviously had a tail. What would I say, and who would I tell? Would he be killed and butchered--and eventually sold to those who are incredibly rich as an exquisite meal? 

I sigh, swiping up on my phone to stare at the image that stared back at me. It was a photo of me and Minx, standing side by side, obviously drunk out of our minds. We tend to either flirt and get our alcohol; or we steal it and run off with it. It was something that we did whenever we hung out, so I guess there was some underaged drag to the two of us. It always was a hang out that included either alcohol, smoking, weed, or anything that we possibly shouldn't be doing at my age.

I scorn, before pressing on the text app. That lady still hasn't replied to me, and this was only a much further proof that this indeed was incredibly stupid and probably a trick of the eye. Or a trick of the head because of how desperate I was to just have a form of intimacy with a man. There isn't a chance that there could be anyone as beautiful as who I saw. Not a single. Fucking. Chance. Right?

I close my eyes and set my phone face down, staring back up at the clock. The quiet talking that I had learned to completely zone out on was the only thing dragging me down from walking right out of that door. I mean, this is technically free education for me, and I refuse to throw that out of the door. Even if that means I have to engage and be with my uncle and aunt for another year.



A voice beside me immediately knocked me out of the trance that I was in, and I let my head rise. If I knew that my gaze was going to be linked with Minx's, I would've taken a swan dive out of this school building. She gave me a nervous smile, and that was when I noticed that no one else was in the room with us. Did the bell right--what time was it? Even the teacher wasn't in the room with us.

"Yeah, what." I said while I grabbed my phone and shoved it into the small bag that I was carrying, and have had along side me while being at this school. It was starting to loose it's strength, and it seemed like it was going to break by the zipper any day now. But, it still worked. I get up from the chair, and this time, I don't hit my thighs on the desk.

"The bell rang, like a minute ago. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I guess I'm just hungry. Let's go down into town and get something."

She giggled, and she got really fucking happy with that. I have edged her from my attention this bad, that she gets happy about getting food? Or is this some disgusting straight girl thing. Whatever it was, I let her latch her arms and breasts against my arm, as we made out way out of the building.

The cold air wrapped around us, and I could feel the hairs on her arm stick up, as well as she moved more into me. Slowly, we made our way into town.

"Can you actually tell me what is going on?"

I look down at her, giving her a snarl and glare that she couldn't see.

"Why are you in my business all the time?"

"I am NOT always in your business-"

"Nothing is going on with me. On the call, I just saw something that looked human in the water. It was only a log with some coral and colored seaweed. I didn't mean to hang up on you, you know the service is shit out on the water for me."

She sighed, a sigh of completely giving up. At least she won't be all up in my business anymore, right? In my bag, I could feel my phone vibrate from a text. Minx was right beside me, and because I knew that it wasn't her texting me, I felt actually inclined to text this person back, or at least read their message.

I pull my phone out, and let the brightness adjust to the lighting above and around us.

You saw one? What was it like? please, tell me everything that you know.

I didn't think that my hand moved as fast as it did, until I started typing into this phone. Typing one handed was slow, but this was quicker than i thought that it would be. I was so far into this, and i had no reason to be.

"Who is that- WHO'S SARAH-?"

"Mind. Your. Business."

I saw something in the water at least. He was alive. He was a human, but he had a glowing tail. It looked glowing at least. It was shining in the light, some golden color. It looked like real gold too.

I am not sure about what I saw, and I think I am insane.

You are not insane.

It really seems like it, wouldn't you say? I mean, a human with a fish's tail. That seems kind of insane.

But it isn't. I saw one too. But her tail was a dark red. She looked pregnant, if I wasn't wrong.


Why are you messaging me.

"Fucking bitch.." I snarled, gripping my phone tighter.

Minx was staring at me confused, but she wasn't reading my messages. At least, I hope she wasn't.




I saw a mer. She was wonderous, and when I had caught her and pulled her up into my boat, some of her scales came off. Her tail was changing colors. She was utterly beautiful

Please, tell me how this is relevant.

We aren't alone. They are out there. They cost a fortune. They are so unique.

Did you hear about the curse?


Curse? Maybe this isn't insane.

You are.

Fuck you, kid. I'm trying to help you.

Get the mer. Whatever you saw, is completely real. He cost's millions. But, money isn't the only thing that they are sold and killed for.

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