
56 4 14

William's POV

Him sheerly pulling me out of the water like he did was something I was not expecting him to do. It scared me, and for the slightest of seconds, I thought that my mother might've been right, and I shouldn't have come up to the surface again. I thought that he was going to kill me, and like any other fish out of water, I tired myself out on the floor of his machine. I was panting, but the lack of mobility was finally letting me focus on what he was doing, and it made me feel better. Calmer. Him trying to pronounce my name, and doing it in soto compeltely relme weird English way, sitting over my tail and fin, and holding onto my waist, it was something comforting, and something completely different than the fear I was feeling before. I felt completely calm.

I nodded at his small awknolegenent of the off brand name he placed on me, and he melted. A sigh that seemed to completely relieve how he was previously feeling before. Probably because my lower fin just slapped him, or maybe because he was nervous. But why would he be nervous?

"William.." He said dreamily and kinda just stared at me for a few seconds. Weird. I shivered at the cold air drifting through my scales. I felt the water slowly dry. I stared back.

"O-oh! I'm Schlatt.. Schlatt, call me Schlatt.."

I rose an eyebrow and looked at him oddly. His name was Schlatt? What kind of name is that?

"Can you.. say it.."

I looked at him, and he returned back with that confused, overstepping gaze. He went to apologize, and the cold air stung like a jellyfish's sting when he pulled his hands away to raise them over his head.


He relaxed when he heard my mouth form some sort of words that he could and couldn't understand at the same time. He bent down, replacing his hands, but now they wrote just a bit higher than they were before. They held at the wide ribs that protected my inner life. My tail swam up and changed from many different colors. Many hues of pinks where it finally slithered and drenched my tail in a new, dark reddened colour. I knew where this colour was from.. it was always when my dad would...

No. Not with a human, oh God, that is disgusting. Oh my God.

I slap my tail against the metal flooring below me, and Schlatt was thrown forward with a thrust of my my hips. Why would my tail shift to such a lewd colour, and why would my fins and scales flutter with a feeling of ecstacy and lust as if this was my breeding mate. Disgusting.

"WOAH-" the boy yelled as he caught himself against my body, his hands gripping tightly at the skin as if they were a leech. It was tight but not repressing. "They... changed colors?"

He stared down in utter disbelief at the colour change of my scales, but them my heart stopped, and by the look on his own face, he returned that mutual feeling. There was a light hum and a disruption of waves that mimicked the sound of Schlatt's own machine. Someone else was coming.

Before I could even react in any way, those soft but thicker hands went rough and shoved me into the foul-smelling buckets on the back of the machine. I was under the clearing instead of the roofing and lighting that he had. I was cold without him sitting on top of me. Before I could even speak, or have him tell me anything. everything went dark as he put some cold, thin tarp around me.

I was disgusted with the smell of everything around me, and I was now encapsulated inside of it, and there wasn't anywhere that I could get a breath or any water. The buckets were empty or filled with a fish. That's life was sucked out only hours, or maybe days before. It was getting hard to breathe, and my gills were closing up. It was painful. Is this dying feels like? Am I going to die in the hands of a boy I felt such nudity to? Speaking with words of which fit said situation, I don't want to die a sexless fishlin.

Everything seemed to close and capitulate around me, and no matter how much clutching or clawing I did to my neck, they closed, and my tail tightened around my body. It felt like my bones were being crushed, but I wasn't able to speak. My scales, they felt like they were disintegrating or flying off of my body, like they didn't want to die, so they left the rotting fish behind. No fish is a fish without their scales, though.

Though, when I heard the voice talking supposedly to the boy I was engaging with, it all made sense. It was if realizing that my situation saved my life. That was until I realized I was able to spread my tail. I looked down and felt around at what should have been my tail, but I found two fleshy sticks attached to my hips, and a third one dangling between.

I was... human?

// Sorry for not posting much, busy, mentally drained.//

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