thirteen (+an)

25 1 15

Surely, It's been a while, a long while sense any of you guys heard or even thought of me updating again, and I'm really sorry about my sudden disappearances. I had fallen into a massive depressive episode with things going on in my life, and wasn't motivated to do anything really.

But. Despite not being motivated enough to open my Computer, rewrite this book idea that I lost in the past, or continue another story that I previously said that I will complete, I kept a notebook  beside me at all times that I can scribble any possible idea down into. I didn't have any ideas specifically for this one, so this book might get a bit sloppy, but I can't wait anymore. I miss you guys, I miss writing and I miss the late nights of reading your guys' silly stupid comments and reactions to my books-the time I was truly happy with a strong passion that I had. I want to finish this, not for me but for each and every one of you guys.
I love you guys, i truly do and consider the rest of this book to all of you, each and every one.

If you want to hear about the other book ideas that I wrote down, reply to this thread and I'll tell you but i don't want to have you guys wait too long for the very needed update to this book.

Thank you, my Lil' beans.. <333

Schlatt POV

'You camera quality sucks.. and you need to stop ignoring me..'

Minx lays besides me, holding onto my bicep, and as expected, shirtless against my back. Her fingers subconsciously squeeze at my arm, like a pulsating effect. I'm not sure if she even realizes that she does it, but I don't want to be the one to tell her about it. It might make her upset, might be something she doesn't want to hear from me.

'You should be sleeping, Minx.'

She huffed, and repositioned her head against my back, I didn't notice it being there at first, and the cold air returning to it's place sent shivers down my spine. Her arm fell from my arm down to my waist, and she hugged me, trying to spoon with me, but it was difficult. I was about twice her size, and nearly a foot taller than her. She wasn't even suppose to be here, she only came here because she didn't want to go home after an argument with her friends. She was always so emotionally sensitive, and she didn't like to talk to her parents. I don't blame her at all, but her clinging onto me at all times was like a weight on my heart, an unnecessary one at that.

'I can't sleep with the warmth of your body.. You sleep very warm..'

I sigh, and sit upright in the bed. My legs roll into my body, and I look out of the crooked window of my own. She pulled the blanket up to cover at her now, cold body--shown by the shivering and unsatisfactory groan she gave me.  It was dark outside, but the silver moonlight filtered their way through the window down at the two of us in bed. My eyes fluttered and I sighed.

'What are you going to do with the money, Schlatt?'

I blinked heavily, and I looked down at the table besides my bed. It was a simple table, with nothing but an unplugged lamp on the side of it. There was a single drawer, a drawer that didn't open easily. The hinge was off, and the wheel wasn't able to slide through the rail. It took a pair of delicate and gentle hands to lift and slide it open.


She winced and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. She sat up some more, and held the blanket close to her chest. I closed my eyes and looked away.

"You're just going to drop everything and leave?" She had a pain in her voice. She was usually so angry, and so annoying to listen to but when she was emotional, or sad it was hard to listen to her. Not that it was annoying, but because it was the voice--a slap to the face. a 'you've hurt me'. voice. I don't like it. "After everything you're just going to leave?"

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