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Wilbur's POV

I shake my head hard and grip tighter onto the railing, pushing even further back from the dock than I could. I wasn't off of the boat, but the hole in the railing that I was supposed to walk through didn't seem safe. I could see the ground underneath the choppy water, but for some reason, I was scared. I was scared of touching that water. The boat lurches me forward again with another wave slamming into its opposite side, leading to me falling forward. For a split second or two, Schlatt's hands held at my shoulders and arms.

"Come on, William, we have to go we have to get to my house.."

I pulled myself back again, and as the boat slammed itself into the dock, it pulled itself back into its original position. There was about a foot or two of free space, and I couldn't get myself to lift my feet.

"No, no... I will fall, I'll fall." I babbled, never breaking my glare down to the water underneath. But I peracitcally heard Schlatt shake his head, so I finally looked up at him. He looked worried, or scared. I couldn't tell if that was because of me or because of the rain that was rushing towards us at an unthinkable speed.

"You're not going to fall, you're not going to fall, Will.." He shook his head and brought his hands up to my arms, that I hadn't realized how flexed they were until he touched them. However, before I could talk, he continued. "I got you, it's okay."

"No it's not-"

"Trust me, Will.. come here, I will catch you..." He outstretched his arms, and he leaned himself forward over the edge of the dock for me. I lifted my foot but shook my head and pulled back again, but the boat didn't let me. The boat got smacked with another wave and harsh choppy water, leading for me to lose my balance and fall forward, through the open hole.

I cried out, but Schlatt had his hands and arms already around my waist, so I pushed myself into him with all of the energy I could put into it. I breathed heavily as I sank into the feeling of Schlatt holding me, his arms lowered and holding under my thighs. I sunk into the hold, letting my head push into the warmth of his neck. His clothes were freezing, but his skin was warm for such cold weather. "See... I got you."

His arms felt nice.

I let my body slowly and comfortably slide down his embrace, my hands feeling at the damp, but warm skin that his body had. He was cold, I could tell by the goosebumps over his arms--but he was warm to the touch. He let me down slowly, letting my feet comfortably slide onto the ground. He was taller than me--not by much, but he was. I looked up into his eyes, my hands not leaving his forearm.

His cheeks were a rosy red, but so were a lot of places on his body. I tilt my head a little bit and lower my arms, only to wrap them around his waist. I rest my head over his chest, and his hands and arms clasp around my own head and waist like I was a small fish. Almost nothing.

I blushed.

I turned my head and pushed it down into his collarbone, resting in the embrace that he gave me.



I jumped at the sudden yell, it echoed around me, and made my eyes shoot open. The arms that clasped around me, had ended up shoving me away from the embrace, making me tumble against the wooded dock. The choppy waters underneath worked in my favor, and pushed up against the dock when I needed it most.

I turned my head around and looked up--for what I could see of up the hill. It was a boy. He was muscular, but thin and tall. He was in shorter pants than Schlatt usually wears, they were black with red stripes down the sides, and a shirt that had no arm covers. I squinted my eyes up at the boy. He looked like me, he just had more dark and thick hair. And a face of really short facial hair.

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