|•CHAPTER 87•|✔️

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Riya silently sat in the hall! All alone looking at Aditi's last set of cousins taking their leave! Aditi was busy with them and also handling that Aravind roaming around her

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Riya silently sat in the hall! All alone looking at Aditi's last set of cousins taking their leave! Aditi was busy with them and also handling that Aravind roaming around her.

So apparently Riya was alone from the morning! and Riya being alone with her thoughts is dangerous especially when she had to pretend that certain someone's presence did not make her tummy flutter and heart drop.

It's been a while since the silence started haunting her! Back in Paris, she found comfort in it now it taunted her, haunted her and she wanna just get away and run back.

Every time she looked at Dev guilt ate her slowly! She pretended his presence did not make her hurt and his ignoring her as if she never existed or whatever they had was not true This isn't their future? or is it?

She can't help but envy looking at Kiki and Arjun! A happy couple! Somewhere or somewhat she knew Aditi wouldn't let go of Aravind and Vikram she knew he loved Aishu and also knew how much Aishwarya loved Vikram their chapter wasn't over they still jaded chances but for her everything seemed closed! And she wondered why. Isn't she also a child of god? Didn't she beg enough the universe to keep her happy then why? Why was she hopelessly in love with someone who did not even wanna see her face?

Riya noticed her hands slightly shivering and she immediately hid it under her white shawl! She was dressed up in a pure white cotton Kurti

She felt her insides breaking sadly she could not pick up herself! She felt herself shivering and shaking! She immediately stood up! The shawl in her fist slipped and fell! Not minding much she almost rushed into the room

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She felt her insides breaking sadly she could not pick up herself! She felt herself shivering and shaking! She immediately stood up! The shawl in her fist slipped and fell! Not minding much she almost rushed into the room.

"No, no Riya Nooo you can't! You're strong you're the strongest you can do this you will you have to" She kept on mumbling this like a chant under her breath

She felt herself shaking and shivering vulnerably! Tears broke down her cheeks and she sobbed hard!

The panic attack she felt now was making her physically weak so was mental. She fell on the floor crawled towards the corner and cuddled into like a soft ball of cotton trying to count from 1 to 10.

Here, someone who had been always noticing her now felt weird in her absence.

He slowly walked around the home not wanting to make it obvious that he was in search of her! When he reached the hall her white shawl still lay on the floor meaning she had not returned from the room.

He saw her rushing to her room a few minutes ago he thought it might be some kinda oh urgency but as seconds passed into minutes his gut was kicking him to rush to her.

He picked up his phone and searched for the contract which he often took in these six years but did not call "Boss Baby" it read

The ring went on and on and the sound of her phone ringing cane from her room but she did not attend the call! Only if he knew what was happening inside those four walls.

He sat restlessly on the sofa for a few minutes staring at the room door while continuously calling her.

Suddenly he stood up and marched into her room only to find her curled up in a corner! And that's when he felt his heart skip a thousand beats while his legs immediately rushed to her knees down.

"Ri..Riya" he called her softly watching her shanking! He understood what was going on! Riya had shared this experience of hers once with him.

Riya looked at him and smiled while tears flowed down her cheeks. It felt like an end and she would die any moment but the face in front of her made her smile from heart.

She lifted her hands to touch his cheeks but her hands could not stop trembling! Dev scooped her in his arms kicked open the washroom door with his feet and made her stand under the shower!

The cold shower was meant to make her feel good and calm down a little but Riya still had the same reaction and energy! She looked at him with the same smile and doe eyes! her white Kurtha and his white shirt were now wet completely and his shirt Turing all transparent
And Riya looked at him as she gently tried to pull him towards her with her weak hands

This man in front of her was so easy to fall in love! He was so easy to love.
He made her feel safe. He made crossing a road feel like an adventure; with his hand on the small of her back.
He laughed at things easily, he was soft, gentle, and kind. He listened to the words, and to silence.

Just the thought he would never be hers made it hard for her and she yet again began sobbing on his chest! She slowly looked up at him! The shivers and shaking had stopped! She was okay but not her insides!

He lifted her chin up and for the first time in years he looked at her softly and asked "What's wrong?"

Riya wanted to shout "everything " but nodded as nothing! After a few seconds of silence, Riya stood on her toes and placed her lips on his softly! It was a peak but whatever it was it was her first and she was happy it was him! That was enough this is enough she thought

She took a step back immediately and realised what she had done! And was ready to mumble a sorry

Dev grabbed her waist pulling her body against his! Cupping her face with one hand he kissed her madly! Like a man who starved! Like a man who found his everything

Riya wasn't a slow learner tho! She stood trying to cope with his speed and the reality of the kiss.

His other hand on her waist was just inches away from her breast! His hands found the warmth of her skin even from the dress she wore.

If not the lack of oxygen! Dev nor Riga did not mind this forever!




Instagram id: __riii.writes__


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