AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 1

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"The ever-growing march...., starting from a seed and then ever-growing until they cannot expand anymore. And then there is a choice one must face: a planet, animal, personal, or an empire. You either accept the fact that you have peaked your evolutionary boundary or break the natural barrier.

To grow your destiny's boundaries, you must transcend the natural mold, and from there, step-by-step conquest follows. The sea becomes passage. The mountain becomes climbable. Even the Void only becomes a path for your ever-growing Domain.

Of one destiny, no longer being commissioned by the Gods themselves but manipulated by the user himself, the limits that surround us all to have meaning. And only then, the march forward becomes unstoppable. All who oppose will always be subdued by the ones who are bound by their limits as that is the order of things. The ones who have destiny within their grasp overshadow all who seek their own.

However. In the ever-expansion of one Domain by the ones who hold destiny, a ripple, an anomaly is inflected that the powers at be could not phantom. As one's control of destiny leaves a blinding shadow on the previously traveled path of one's destiny, opening a path to others.

Destiny is not a single path forward, leaving many ripples in its wake. Until a micro of a moment from the most distant places from the unimaginable of beings begin breaking the natural barrier. And then, and only then, destiny is challenged." – Carjojan Grath


The military armored boots pressed against the fresh, snowy ground. Comanche was moving through the snow, seeking any cover that could be found within the mountain terrain.

The enemy defenders were occupying an old, broken-down house in front of the American Special Forces team, blocking their path to their objective. The top window had an enemy M85 machine gun firing at Comanche. They were about to storm the building, but additional enemy forces appeared, reinforcing the sandbag.

Seeing how entrenched the enemy's defensive position was, Captain Mathew Ryder split his team in half. He ordered his second-in-command, Warrant Officer 1 Rommel King, to take his team and flank left while his team was distracted.

Ryder gathered his three-man team and engaged against the defenders while the other team moved around. Sergeant Edge Wallace laid down continued fire with his M250 while Benjamin Ford fired his M320 into the window, killing the target.

With the heavy machine gun threat neutralized, Ryder and Ford advanced forward to what remains of a rusted car. Seeing the enemy soldiers behind the sandbags. The captain directed his gunner to focus on the main bunker and ordered them to concentrate against the others.

The captain then peaked over and saw the enemy. Hearing bullets impacting the car, he aimed his M31 and placed cover fire.

"Any time, Rommel," Ryder thought to himself.

Most of the enemy was focused on Ryder's team, allowing Rommel King's team to take out the one enemy guard who was protecting his teammate's flanks. Those Comanche soldiers advanced and took cover by an old, rusted military vehicle, each tossing fragmentation grenades into the enemy position.

Seeing that the enemy was dislodged from their entrenchment, Ryder signaled to his team to advance. The four stormed the enemy position and found that four of them were dead. The last two aimed their weapons, but they were quickly taken down.

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