AA V3 Vagahm, Chapter 9

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"To a shocking surprise but welcoming from the defense industry, Congress recently passed a surge military defense stimulus, providing funding into critical areas. Majority Leader Senator Harry Knox (TX) came out and stated that an internal review of US military capabilities showed significant deficiencies. This had caught many experts off guard as a recent report was released six months ago stating the opposite. While there was always room for improvement, the Arm Forces were in a healthy place.

The Senator said that Congress sometimes conducted its own, more in-depth reviews upon request and was worried about how ready the Arm Services were for a major war after a multi-decade conflict against the Cartels, the USAM pirate operations in the South Pacific Sea, and the growing Iranian-Russian Alliance influence. While the Senator was unclear regarding what he meant, it seems Congress is concerned about a major war in the future.

Some believe the Senator Majority was providing additional funding to boost some of the defense and aerospace contracts in his home State of Texas, attempting to secure his reelection. Currently, the Texas State Legislature has not attempted to select a replacement, so many were confused as to why the Senator, if so, felt threatened by his position.

The additional funding was Army-focused, which many found surprising. The primary focus was tripling the ammunition stockpiles, ranging from 6.8mm tank-around manned portable missiles to cruise missiles, with the understanding that the stockpile should have enough in reserve for a two-year conflict without being depleted.

The other big focus that surprised people was expanding on hardware and equipment, which the Pentagon requested two weeks ago in a leaked private meeting of the Arms Committee. The Army wants enough hardware to create two additional Divisions if needed without waiting for resupply or replacements if a major war breaks out. All areas, from infantry to armor and the air fleet within the Army, would see a rapid equipment and hardware expansion.

Lastly, IV Corps was formally created and stationed at Fort Carson. A massive surge of funds went into the fort, in addition to Space Base Raymond and Peterson, intending to expand for large-scale warfare. Leak accounts have stated that the Fort could potentially host and support up to five divisions for combat operations. Why no information has been provided? Some have speculated that with the international community's growing development on Luna and Mars, some believe that Congress and Pentagon fear a large-scale Astro war in the near future." - Indi News

March, 19th, 2068 (military calendar)

Hiplose Woods, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


After exiting their vehicles and nearing the forest edge, the Comanche rushed through the forest until they reached the outskirts of the US-occupied town. As they grew closer, they could hear the combat's intensity in the distance.

Breaking through the foliage, Fraeya Holiadon saw the small town with smoke. The Unity occupied a nearby hill connected to the town, firing down the rest of the city. After hearing the reports from DEFNET, troops from the other airship stormed the town, and the two sides are fighting for superiority in the area.

Before now, the Americans have been attempting to push as far east as possible, with some success. However, they failed to break the Aristocracy formations. Based on the reports and The Unity's entering the fray, the Vampires were now on the offensive, slowly pushing the Americans back.

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