AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 7

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"To Priestess Erada, we are pleased by your recent reports of the situation in Nevali. Recent events seemed to have created an opening to spread our influence within the Aristocracy, as their leader would be distracted by the Altaerrie.

Your choice to manipulate the boy, as he has proven helpful in gaining a foothold within the capital city of Cornot, significantly since the Vampire Lord relocated his operations to Forlace. Based on your letters, the daughter seems to be the more practiced one of the siblings; however, that should not change our plans.

You have done an excellent job subtly removing the boy's admiration for his father and swinging him to our way of thinking. Youthful with aragonite desires vengeance and self-worth, all wishing to accomplish great deeds for their legacy. Take all that within a male and place a beautiful Priestess as yourself, and they will bend to our desires.

Continued building the son to replace his father for the throne of the Aristocracy, causing friction within their ranks. Until better prospects arise from this great opportunity, in the meantime, continue seeking information about what that Vampire is hiding." - Odessia Eraunis-Horkuo of the Temple of Enlightenment

March, 10th, 2068 (Military Calendar)

Fortress city of Forlace, Verliance Aristocracy

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


Listening to the continuous arguments between Lord Kallem Verliance and the Priestess representative of the Katra, Erada, on the direction of the war, Assaiya hurriedly left the room to gather new drinks for her master guests.

While Assiaya tried to keep to herself, she couldn't help but listen to the conversations. A bad habit Roath and the inner voice continued to point out. From what she could understand, the arguments devolve into Erada wanting the Aristocracy to accept more oversight and control from the Unity, which Kallem opposes.

Reaching the kitchen door, the slave girl calmed herself before entering. A strong breeze exited the room, mixing cold air with the warmth of the hallway. Hating this part as she felt her exposed skin freeze, she entered the kitchen.

Castles and even homes had kitchens; they were nothing special except if they were vampire kitchens. Because vampires require blood to sustain themselves, keeping their food and drinks cold is vital. While there were warmer kitchens within this castle for regular food because she was her Master's personal slave, she never got those assignments.

The same annoying J'avais who slaved away in this kitchen noticed her. His hair was wild and white, and his facial hair was ungroomed and long. His clothing was thick, brown in base, with red, purple, and green blood stains splattered over the uniform, most old from the lack of washing. "It is you again."

The stench was reeking, but Assiaya understood that plugging her noise only leads to additional insults. As before, she endured the smell and said, "Please, not today. I am not in the mood."

"Mood?" the J'avais said with his thick accent. "I work here twelve hours a day while you stay warm."

"Let him brood."

"I need twelve drinks," Assiaya said. "Our Lord, guests are not happy."

"Not happy?" the J'avais grumbled. "Like I care dual eyes."

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