AA V3 Vagahm, Chapter 3

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"Thanks to the Templar Natilite, she provided us with the Verliance Aristocracy military structure. General Sherman, the information is below. I have already started sharing this information with the frontline troops so we can allocate troops more effectively.

Brigaton – can be compared to an American Division. Each one is named after the commander who leads an organization with the belief that the leader's honor and reputation are at stake. There are between two and three Orders

Order – The primary deployable unit, equal, to a brigade. Typically has three to four Groups

Group – Like a Battalion

Section- Like a company

File – Like a platoon

Special Roles:

Packs – Tactical Squads, usually filled by a single species except for specific roles.

Levy – attached units from a third party, either adventures, militia, or other non-professional soldiers.

We are filtering this information into Oracle, our Programable Intelligence database. Intelligence believes USAM forces around Salva and Indolass are engaged by two Brigatons, with a third securing the rear of their formations. This does not include local allies and the Unity, as we are still gathering information on their structure and force strength." - Colonel William Hackett

March, 17th, 2068 (military calendar)

Salva, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


Standing in the newly created Minutemen Operations center in what Mathew Ryder believed to be the Palace throne room, the Comanche Captain watched the many screens of US soldiers fighting the Verliance Aristocracy across the river. The intention was to buy time while the US Army finished preparing the city of Salva for a lengthy siege. Seeing a dozen feet from the skirmishes, he could see that the enemy was not playing around based on how hard they were pushing against the outer perimeter.

"What do you see?" Hackett said as he walked in.

"Probing action," Ryder said. "It seems the Aristocracy is testing our front line before another main assault. When that comes, the outer perimeter won't hold."

"It is not supposed to," Hackett said. "Just long enough to get ready for round three."

Ryder looked confused. He had seen many broken defenses when he first arrived in this city. While the Army could quickly refine concrete walls with enough time, his people could not manufacture more of those hardening crystals that the city walls of Alagore had in their defensive relevance.

"We can do that? I thought we needed magic?"

"One of the city watch was head of engineering before retiring," Hackett said. "The wood elf was kind enough to help our engineers resolve the issue. The only magical part is the diamond crystal along the wall. From what they told me, they help absorb impacts."

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