AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 16

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"Mr. President, I have completed the creation of the subcommittee that will oversee all funding and oversight for affairs regarding our operation on Alagore. Your finding requests a five billion surcharge for combat operations.

Under the present circumstance, I support your administration's decision to deploy the bulk of the 4th Infantry Division to secure their side of the Bridge. However, we are growing concerned about an escalating military build-up against this unknown enemy.

You already know that the War Powers Resolution provides you with sixty days before you are required to withdraw without congressional approval. I am willing to push through an AUMF (authorization for use of military force) within the next week; however, we have conditions. This House will not provide another blind AUMF to the White House for risk of unintended abuse.

I proposed the proposed AUMF with Vice President John C. Shaw. The United States will be authorized to utilize as many military personnel as necessary to defend the Temple of Indolass. Shaw Convinced me of your position that Salva is important for our short—and long-term goals on the alien moon. The defense of Salva and the surrounding areas, including the bulk of the surrounding region, will be included in the authorization. However, operations outside the host region must be negotiated later.

I know you will disagree with this "red tape"; however, this country has had too many use-of-force authorizations for one situation before unintentionally expanding into other theaters. Examples are the War on Terror and the Cartel War in Central America.

I have talked with Senate Majority Sarah Reed, and they have agreed to take the lead regarding AUMF oversight in addition to their foreign relations with these alien civilizations. She understands that the current situation is in flux, with the military being forced to react to unknown situations without following traditional structure. However, that grace will not last as she and I expect a report on how The Pentagon's command structure will be needed so we can properly evaluate, add comments, and allocate proper resources.

We expect consent updates on this developing situation if you wish further funding and material support." - Speaker of the House Nathaniel Trenton

March, 13th, 2068 (Military Calendar)

Orlatus, Yuplenia Mountain Range, Verliance Aristocracy

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


Watching the two teams secure the enemy weapons and process the prisoners, Captain Mathew Ryder was still shocked that they were correct about finding their people here. It was such a gamble, and yet, they were accurate. Thrilled that they could reach this base in time to save their people, it was only a pyrrhic victory if they missed half of them.

"I still have to say," King said. "I can't believe the little Brat was right."

"That's a good thing," Ryder said. "But we could have gotten here in time to save everyone if I had not been asleep."

Rommel King touched the Captain's shoulder and said, "Sir, shut up and take the win. If we didn't show up when we did, no one would have been saved."

Natilite approached and said, "And let's remember that you won the first engagement against the Unity. A feat that most cannot claim."

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