AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 15

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"Space Command, this is Minutemen-Actual. We request imminent reinforcements. Aristocracy forces have breached our first defensive line and are on the verge of collapse. I repeat, requesting imminent reinforcements, or we will lose our foothold." – Colonel Hackett

"Minuteman-Actual, this is Space Command. Good to hear from you again. A QRF has already been assembled, as we assumed the closer of the Bridge was enemy action. A Battalion is in preparation. Please standby." – Space Command

March, 5th, 2068 (Military Calendar)

Temple of Indolass, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


At the final defensive line, Comanche and the rest of the Minutemen and Rangers held off the enemy as best they could. There had already been cracks throughout the line where the melee forces could explode.

A group of alg-based beasts charged forward in front of the Commanche section of the line. The M2 machine gun seemed more effective because of its size and force, which are 50 caliber. A rocket from a roiled rifle impacted one of the beasts, destroying it and proving that raw firepower can get the job done. However, it needed to be sufficient to prevent the group from reaching their position.

Seeing one of the alg-based monsters break their line, Ryder fired his M31 into its chest, and his ammunition proved ineffective.

He then saw the tip of a blade appear through its chest before being sliced in half. As the upper stage of the body fell, it was cut into multiple pieces.

On the other side was Natilie, the Valkyrie Templar. "What are you doing here?"

"I am not going to die lying in bed," Natalie said as she thrust her sword into the monster's head.

"I couldn't agree more with that statement," Ryder said. "What is going on in the rear?"

"The Command Post was hit," Natilite said. "But it is secured. The Militia is clearing out the enemy forces behind us."

Ryder looked toward the mountainside and saw Militia fighting the enemy melee forces. The Captain was thrilled that they were not about to be flanked, at least for the moment; however, he understood that this would only last for so long.

"Can you take care of these things?" Ryder asked.

"Yes, I can," Natilite said. "They need to be broken up, so they become useless."

Seeing the Valkeryie speed toward a nearby monster on top of a bunker, Ryder felt a sense of relief as he could not focus his attention on the incoming enemy force.

Mathew Ryder watched the Amplifier Walker pass what was left of the first defensive line. Geomancy mages had already moved much of the Hesco bastion sections to allow units through easily. There were Infantry of many variations all over the battlefield, protected by the shieldmen, walkers, and crawlers as they advanced toward the final defense line.

Seeing that the enemy was advancing, getting close to the last American defensive line, Comanche struggled to figure out how to deal with the enemy platform.

The walker stopped, and the giant Orb glowed orange. A large flame spit out and impacted Charlie's company section of the line.

A missile was fired by an unknown group heading toward the walker. Like before, the walker switched from offensive to defensive, creating a barrier and destroying the missile before impact.

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