A weird morning

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[Sanji's pov]

  I woke up early as usual to start making breakfast. Luffy eats a lot, so I always have to make sure to have enough time to cook a separate portion for him, or he'll eat every one else's food instead.
  I stepped inside the kitchen to find an unusual surprise. Zoro was sitting on the dinner table. There was a bottle of sake in front of him and he looked rather tired. There was something off about him today...

S- What the hell are you doing drinking this early in the morning, Marimo?

  He flinched and turned to face me. He was making that face again... that one I couldn't read not even if I tried.

Z- I couldn't sleep. I think I have insomnia or something.

S- So you decided to get drunk at 5 am?

Z- I am not drunk.

  I sigh deeply. "So what, you dumbass? Who drinks sake at 5 in the fucking morning??" I though to myself.

Z- You don't even care about me anyway. You just think about women all the time.

  "Huh? Wait... that sounded really dramatic. He cares about that? That's unexpected coming from him." I stare at his face for a couple minutes.

S- Why do you care?

Z- Huh? Care about what?

S- What do you mean about what? Why does it bother you if I only think about women or not?

  Silence. He seemed oddly surprised with my question. His mouth opened and closed a couple times before he suddently clicked his tongue, got up from his chair and left in a hurry, bumping into me as he bursted through the door.

S- Ow! What the fuck!?

[Time skip]

  That moron kept acting weird the whole day. Every time his eyes seemed to find mine he walked away somewhere. He was training more than usual and during the meals he wouldn't say a word and was the first one to leave. Even when I tried to provoke him he would just ignore me.
  That was starting to annoy the fuck out of me. "What the hell is wrong with him? He would always start random fights with me. Why is he so quiet now?"
  The night came and I begun to cook dinner. While I waited for the things to cook I decided to have a smoke. A cigarette always helps me calm down.
  Suddently, the green figure entered the kitchen and randomly snatched the cigarette from my lips and threw it away.

S- What are you doing!?

Z- Stop smoking while you cook! You're a professional and still doesn't know that it's a bad thing?

  I glared at him, my hands clenching into fists. I turn off the stove and turn to him, grabbing the collar of his shirt

S- What's wrong with you? First that weird thing in the morning, then you avoid me the whole day and now this? Who do you think you are? Why are you so fucking annoying? You are always starting random fights with me and bothering me all the time! Why? Do you hate me that muc-

Before I can finish the sentence he shouts, grabbing my arm tightly.


I grit my teeth, griping his shirt tighter

S- Then what is it!?

Z- I... I do that... I do that because I don't want to accept that I fucking love you, you stupid curly eyebrow!

S- W-What?

[To be continued]

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