First day in Rosemary Island

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[Sanji's pov]

Z- Sanji. Hey Sanji, wake up.

  I open my eyes at the sound of Zoro's deep voice in my ear. I could feel his palm on my back, shaking me lightly.

S- Mmmn...

  I groan, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, a long yawn leaving my lips

Z- Wake up sleepy head. We reached land.

S- Oh... that's great.

  I stretch my arms, and suddenly the menories from before I fell asleep hit me at once.

S- Holly shit...

  I could feel my cheeks turn crimson, and he noticed for sure, cause I heard him chuckle soon after

Z- You're red cook. Are you embarassed from what happened?

S- Shut up...

  I get up from my bed and fix my clothes, putting my shoes back on and walking to the door.

Z- Not even a good afternoon?

  He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. I huff, crossing my arms and turning away from him

S- We have more important things to do. The others must be waiting.

  He stayed silent for a moment before answering with a simple

Z- Yeah, you're right.

  He passes by me and opens the door, leaving before I do. I follow suit behind him towards the others of the crew.
  Franky and Brook decided to stay and guard the boat for the time we would be there. The Island in question was safe for pirates and had no connections to the marines, but they decided to stay just in case.
  When we went to explore we found out that it was a Spring Island called Rosemary Island, because of the variety of flowers, but specially roses that were cultivated there.

N- This place is beautiful.

  Nami-swan comments with stars in her eyes

R- I've read that this place is famous for having the best colognes and perfumes of all seas.

S- That's amazing... I was needing a new perfume. The one I used to use ended a few days ago. But I've been using for so long I forgot what brand or specific scent it had...

R- That's a pity. I remember it smelled really nice indeed.

S- It was my favorite. I'm afraid I'll never find it again.

N- You can think about that later, Sanji. We're here.

  We reached an enourmous hotel. It was all decorated with beautiful golden pieces that resembled flowers, green wines and beautiful lights... it was quite the sight under the starry night sky.


  Luffy exclaimed, smilling ear to ear and jumping around like a kid who just saw an amusement park

S- Oh my... Nami-swan this hotel is amazing! But isn't it expensive?

N- Yeah, it's a little, but I wanna feel wealthy for a couple days for a change.

S- As expected of Nami-swan~ so refined~

  Zoro steps in first followed right behind by Luffy. Usopp went after them and we stepped in as well, Chopper cradled in Robin's arms

N- we need six rooms, please.

  The receptionist checked the list and shook her head.

"I'm sorry miss, we don't have individual rooms anymore only three rooms. Two with two beds and the last with a king size bed."

N- That's allright, we'll take it. Luffy, you'll share with Usopp. Chopper, you can stay with Robin...

C- Yaay!!

  He smiled and Robin pat his head gently

S- Nami-swan, we could-

Z- I'll share with cook.

  He said quickly, gripping my shirt


  But before I could interfere, it was too late

N- Got it, Zoro will share with Sanji and I can stay with you two then.

  She said turning to Robin

R- Indeed, we can fit one more. Chopper-kun is small after all.

  Chopper giggled. I glare at Zoro, but before I could scream at him he grabs my frist, gets one of the keys and pulls me towards the room, unlocking the door and closing it behind us as we both get in.
  And now, here I am. In a shared room with Zoro with a king-sized bed before my eyes that I'll have to share with him.

S- Well great. Now I'll have to even sleep in the same bed as you. This must be a fucking joke...

  I mumble.

Z- Stop complaining, do you hate sharing a room with me that much

  I flash a death stare at him, gripping the collar of his shirt

S- Of fucking course I do! You didn't even give me an option!

Z- What's the big deal? You weren't hating it when I was pumping my fingers in your ass, that's for sure.

  I blush hard. That fucker... how can he bring that up so casually? Is he insane?

S- T-That's completly unrelated.

Z- Unrelated you say? I doubt that. After all we did, sleeping on the same bed is not that big of a deal, is it?

S- Wha-... hmm... ok you got a point there.

Z- Good. Now that this is settled, let's go to bed. I'm tired.

  He lays down on the bed without a care in the world. I stare at his layed down form, and it suddenly hits me... I lost an argument against him. I lost an argument against the muscles for brains Roronoa Zoro.

S- Son of a bitch...

  I murmur to myself and with a sigh I give in, laying down on the bed beside him, staring up at the ceiling before turning my back at him and closing my eyes.
  I could feel his warmt through the sheets. The bed seemed more comfortable than usual too.
  Maybe sleeping beside him wasn't so bad.

[To be continued]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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