Hot as summer breeze

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[Sanji's pov]

  I woke up in my bed. From what I recal I was going to make breakfast, but then Zoro appeared out of nowhere and carried me to my bed and after that he tucked me in and kissed my forehead...
"You really do look like a skittish kitten when you're angry. It's so cute."

"Sweet dreams sanji."

  I feel my cheeks heat up. Now that I notice... that was the first time he praised me. And he hardly says my name too. It sounds so good coming from him... it feels so right.
  No, wait... what am I thinking? There's no way. What a stupid thing to think. It's just my name, no big deal. He usually calls me by nicknames, so it was just a rare moment, that's all. I am kinda questioning it, but like... there's no way I can fall in love with him.
  It's impossible, totally impossible!
  Damn it... what time is it? I need to get my mind out of this or I'll go crazy for real.
  I get up from my bed, getting dressed with my usual combination of a colorful shirt with a black suit, tying my black tie before looking into my mirror and fixing my bangs over my eye.
  I reach for my lip balm on a drawer and aply it on my lips before shoving it in the front pocket of my pants.

S- Perfect.

  I get out of my bedroom and the first thing I see is Zoro layed down on the floor of the deck asleep, rested against the mast. I look down at him, the sunrays casting it's light over his skin, making it seem golden, the soft breeze made his hair rustle softly, and somehow... he looked prettier than usual.
  His expression looked peaceful in his sleep, his body relaxed, like it was a totally different person. But thinking about it deeply, I've discovered lots of different sides of him lately for some reason.
  His peaceful side, his protective side, his cute side, even his seductive side. I've seen all of those in such a short period of time... it's like I'm meeting him all over again.
  That was supposed to be weird... at least in my head it was supposed to be weird, but... if I should be weirded out, why... why do I feel like I want to learn even more about him? Why do I want to touch him right now? Why is my heart beating so fast?

S- Goddamnit...

  I mumble to myself, walking away from him and stepping into the kitchen. The first thing I notice as I step inside is a plate with two onigiris over the counter.

S- What's this?

  I walk closer to the counter, taking a note that was beside the plate.

Hey cook.

   You were sleeping like a rock, so I         thought it'd be better to let you wake up   by yourself. Since you ended up skipping breakfast, I kept some onigiri for you. It's probably cold by now, but I hope it's still edible.


  I blink a few times, staring from the note to the plate a couple times.

S- He really thought about me... what the fuck!? I don't understand...

  I feels my cheeks get hot again and click my tongue, grabbing one of the onigiris and taking a bite of it.

S- I don't get him at all! Hmm... not bad.

[Time skip]

  The weather is really hot today so I made pink lemonade and some sweets to go with it. I gave it to everyone already... for everyone except Zoro. Where the hell is he? I can't find him anywhere.

B- Looking for Zoro?

  The tall, skeletal figure asks with his usual smile.

S- Yeah. Do you know where he is, Brook? I have to deliver his portion.

B- Yohoho~ I see. I saw him going to his training room a bit after you got in the kitchen and didn't see him around ever since. He must still be there training.

  That makes sense. How did I not think of that possibility before? He only drinks, sleeps and trains all day. I should have expected he'd be there.

S- Thank you, Brook, you were a huge help.

B- It was nothing, yohohoho~ Oh yes... by the way, the mini lemon pies were divine, Sanji.

S- Oh, thanks. I'll be sure to make it more often. Now, if you excuse me.

  I smile at him, walking away to Zoro's training room. As I reach it, I open the door and step inside.

S- I finally found you, moss head. I was looking for you everywher-

  My body freezes in front of the door as I look up at him, a soft gasp escaping my lips.
  Zoro was shirtless, showing off his broad shoulders, strong arms, wide chest, and his toned abs. He lifted huge weights, his body drenched in sweat and he seemed slightly breathless. His eyes meet mine, his gaze was intense from the focus, sending shivers down my spine, my heart racing in my chest.
  Holly shit... he's so hot.
[To be continued]

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