Part 1

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(There a point to the story you might want listen of the music above)

Your at a party. A business party to be exalt . Wearing a beautiful (F/C) dress with long sleeves that was up to your wrist while your dress up all the way till upper part of your leg wearing a black long transparent socks. Your father would always take you to these kind of parties. He was very well man and ones of important man's in the city,however ever since your mother had passed away of awful illness he hasn't been the same. He barely spend time when you were young and as the years passed by you felt being far and far from your father.

Here you are standing in middle of bunch of crowds and seeing your father laughing and talking with other folks. He glance towards your direction and gives you smile and you faked a smile and once you he turned back you let out a sigh and you walked towards a balcony. Approaching to it you rest your hands on the bar looked towards the night with stars shining like sparkles and then you look down to seeing waves crashing,so you decide to head down to the little beach that was near by since you didn't wanted to stay all night at boring business party. You made your way through the entrance you came,luckily nobody was around the halls or near the entrances doors either including your father.

Once you exit you after walking down some stair outside you see a little path that would lead you to the small beach. Once you arrived before continue walking you took your shoes off and kept walking on the beach enjoying the sea salt air and the sounds of the waves.

As you walked a song appeared pop out out of nowhere inside your mind and started singing.

"I'm falling to pieces
But I need this
Yeah, I need this
You're my fault
My weakness
When did you turn so cold

You felt the wind blowing through your hair as you continue sing.

"You cut me down to the bone
Now you're dancing
All over my soul
I'm falling to pieces
To pieces, to pieces"

"But I still stay cause you're the only thing I know
So won't you take, oh, won't you take me home
Take me home, home, home
Take me home, home, home
Take me."

You just mumble the rest of the lyrics of the song when you heard someone from behind.

"What a beautiful voice"

You gasped which made you jumpy a little when heard a deep voice as you turn around seeing a handsome young man.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frightened you. " he said

He had brown hair his eyes were hazel and he wore a white shirt with a purple tie,dark jeans and black shoes.

"It alright. " you smile at him receiving one back from him looking back at the sea before he spoke again.

"Why are you doing here,Shouldn't you be at the party?" He asked as you kept looking at the sea.

"True,but I decided to take a walk on the beach." You response to him then looking at him and asked.

"Shouldn't you be there as well?"

"Of course,but it was just getting boring if you ask me." he said.

"Well that makes the two of us." you said smirking to yourself looking down to your feet then to back to the sea again.

"It's really beautiful tonight. "
said (y/n)

"But,not as beautiful as you."

It made your cheek turn to a light pink and the fact that you just met this guys just moments ago and he already flirting with you.

"That very sweet of you."

As you looked into his eyes as he looked into yours. The two of you were lost to each other eyes for few seconds,but you remember your father that it was best to go back before he noticed.

"I'm so sorry,but I must get back or my father might be furious for leaving. " You said as you were about to head back.

"Wait, you never told me your name miss?" He asked.

"It's (y/n)." you response

"I'm Van and I hope to see again miss (y/n)." As he grabbed your right hand kisses the back part.

You nodded as you continue walking going back to the party. Probably your father might be worried you disappeared into thin air.

The moment she disappeared out of his sight. Showing white pearl teeth as he walked near the edge of the water, as he goes in slowly his hair was turning white and his skin to purple skin as his human body was turned into an six tentacles and his eyes were from brown to turquoise eyes.

~so I hope you enjoy it be great to get some feedback on story and my writing too.~

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