Part 4

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         It was mid-autumn you were 5 years old in the children book's room with other children in the room. At least you were until she escaped and started her little adventure in the library. At times when you visited the library you're just curious that you wanted to see different parts of the library,but she was told many times over and over again how when your much older she would had the chance. In all honestly you really didn't had patience and you try to attempt to without getting caught by anyone,but you were just scared to even do it. So today was the the day to escape that room and explore. At first you decide to head down the stairs carefully with your tiny feet with going too fast that you might have a bad fall. 

Once you finished going down the stairs you weren't sure where to start. That is until you saw something that caught your attention. It was a book you saw from of a white book cart. The cart was standing against a bookshelf it only had small amount of books in the cart,but there was one that had a royal blue with golden details on the outline while the center had a mermaid with long hair that cover all her upper part of her body. At first you looked around so nobody would see you before reaching for the book. Then you walked around to find a sit which it leaded you see some bean bags. Little (y/n) sees painting on the wall which making her dropped the book on the floor observing the around the small spot. The books,the wooden bookcases, and the beautiful design on the wall.   

"Pretty.." Said little (y/n)observing everything.

 Forgetting for a moment about the book until you remember it just when you were about to pick it up.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here,why are you not with the other children" 

It was one the ladies that would do fun activities with the children. She was one of the nicest person you knew.

"I was just...just wanted to explore around that all" 

You looked down feeling guilty and felt tears forming in your eyes.

"Aw sweetie don't feel bad" As the lady knee down to your level lifting your chin up wiping the tears off. Then an idea appeared in her mind.

"How about this. Every time you visited I'll show parts of the Library if  you promise to never escape from the room" Giving (y/n) a smile.

(Y/n) nodded in response to her.

"Good now let head back to the room shall we?" holding out her hand to (y/n).

Just before you reached your hand to her you remember about the book you found earlier handing it to her. She opened the book for a moment before you spoke again.

"I was wondering maybe you could read it to me.Someday" In shy way you asked.

The lady looked carefully at each pages and pictures it had then looking at you before she responded to you.

"Maybe."  She smiled gently grabbing your small hands while putting the book on top of the bookshelf heading back to the children book's room.


Present Day

   After being in the Library for two hours you had to head to your house. Otherwise your father would start getting angry and he probably would ground you,but he did warned you once which it was the only and hopefully the only time your father would ever gave you a warning like that. Just as you reached to your house unlocking it then twisting the door knob. 

"Dad i'm home" going upstairs where he had an office of his own.

 Which can be found upstairs just turned right straight down the halls until you reached to the only door there is in that hall. You see the door opened stopping at front opened door. Seeing your own father writing something. His desk was a mess, He had books and different types papers all over his desk. Your father looked straight up giving you a smile as he stops what he was doing  get up from his sits and walks to you gives you a hug.

"(Y/N) I thought for a moment you would come home late" As he pulls away from the hug.

"Dad I made it home safely" You felt complaining. 

 Which you really didn't wanted to start a fist with him or arguing or something much worst either of course,

"And good thing too,because it almost dinner time and it's your favorite" He smiled.

Knowing you would be very satisfied with dinner meal.

"(F/Food)!" With excitement in your voice.

The two of you laughed at this as the two of you headed down the stairs to eat dinner together.


"It really delicious" you chuckled.

"I'm glad you did and I have something for you" Your father said.

 Getting something under the table and shows it in front of you. It looked too familiar like the one you once found in the library,but you never remember the name of the book. He hands you a wide book to you and you started to observing the details of the cover.

"I found it once I can't recall where,but I thought that maybe you might be interested in reading it" He see you observing the cover and waiting for your reaction.

"I think I might enjoy reading it" You got up from your sit and graved your dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Dad,I love you" As you were walking up the stairs to your room.

"I love you more sweetie" He felt glad that you liked the book even though you haven't opened the book,but he was sure you would like reading the book.

 When you twist the door knob to your room you placed the book next to your night table and you went taking a warm shower. After taking a shower you put your pajamas clothes and headed to bed turning the light off of your room off and the lamb that was on your night table.

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