Part 3

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*Bell Rings* Last Period

"Don't forget,your assignment is due tomorrow" said Chemistry teacher.

As you gather you things leaving the Chemistry classroom exiting you notice someone from the corner of your eyes leading against the someone locker. When you looked at them you realize it was him,but what was he doing there for an hour or so. He smiles as he pulls back his brown hair.

"So we meet again miss (y/n) " He said as he lean back for split second.

"You have a hole of explanations"Pointing at him with your index finger and started walking to where your locker.

"Nice to you see ya too" He said walking with you to your locker which was only two turns.

"No,honestly I thought you were like in your 20s,but apparently I was wrong" You said making the first turn to the right.

"Well I sudden feel old. " he said pretending as if he got hurt emotionally by your comment.

"Oh,i'm sorry did I hurt your feelings." in sarcasm way giving him a guilty look at him before returning it serious look now.

"It alright anyway people told me that a lot" He laughed.

"So,tell me. Why would a guy like you be doing at some random party and more importantly how did you even get passed by without getting caught?" Walking to another right and your locker was only three classroom doors down.

"To answer your questions. First of all I didn't just randomly went because I wanted or for any other reasons you were thinking-" He was interrupted for a moment.

"Oh like what? Drinking alcohol or hooking up with an older women." You snapped at him for a slip seconds before opening your locker getting what you needed and putting the things you didn't need until tomorrow.

"I'm not actually like those guys you think I am (y/n),and the reason I was there was because of my father who if i'm not mistaken is one of your father co-workers ." He stated.

'His dad?' you thought for a moment there before closing your locker.

Then adjusting the handler of your backpack onto your shoulder. Even though you never really knew much of some of the people your father worked with. Which that reminds you. There was this one particular men who would at times would come visit you and your father,and you were thankful for him. If it wasn't him getting your father of that awful depression he had which could been awful turn for the both of your life's.

You wondered if it was him or maybe it was somebody else. Now that you have thought about that you haven't seen them for a month or two,but it wasn't any of your concerned.You were interrupted by Van. Clearing his throat getting your attention again as you looked like you dazed for minutes. Looking straight at him.

"So,I was wondering what you be doing tomorrow after school?" Van asked you as the two of you stopped from taking another step before you response to him.

"Well,I'm actually going to see a friend of mine at swimming competition tomorrow after school" Remembering and promised you would come tomorrow.

"That alright maybe another time we could hang out?" rubbing the back of his neck as he smile.

"Yeah sure,no problem" You smiled to Van.

Exiting the school building walking down small steps.

"Great! I'll see ya around then" he said.

You nodded your head in response and the two of you went to opposite direction.


After walking for 20 minutes (n/y) reached her destination. Public Library. To all honestly it would be rare for someone like your age to be at public library,but the true was in your own little secret. When you enter there was a around desk that was were one could check-in or out a book. Behind that round desk that in the middle when you enter three feet's away were the stairs. On left side of the upstairs of the library is where the children book's are located in a room while the other room on right side was a computer lab. On the bottom both left and right side of the stairs each had a small round table with at least four bean bag at a different corner each of them. Also there were three small bookcase and on top of the shelve each has five different books based of the genre.

When (y/n) was a child your mother would always read bedtime stories. It took you a while to get interests in didn't books at first,but as you gotten older you started have more interests in them. Eventually you wanted to read all kinds of books when ones that were really long and big. Then again you thought it was crazy for anyone to each such books that were long,wide,and probably words that you never heard of in your entire life.

(Y/n) walks to the bottom left sided of stairs. It was her favorite spot out of all them. She felt it the only spot when ever she read a book it was if she could be away from reality into the story itself. There was even a beautiful design on the wall. It had crescent moon with a girl sitting on a branch of a tree observing the tree. (Y/N) smiled at the art work and reminds you the very first time see it.

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