Part 5

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"You got this Ace." (Y/N) shouted.

Ace waved you back giving you two thumbs up.The competition was about to start to soon going you were too busy to notice that someone was standing next to you until you felt their presence looking to your right seeing it was Van.

"Hey,What bring you here at a swimming race?." You asked him.

You were very curious at the moment.

"Well I thought of taking some photos since it's been awhile since I used it"

Van had an old fashion camera with strap to hanging against his grey plain shirt. He show it you so you would have a better look at it.

"That a nice old fashion camera you got."

Van hold his camera looking at it for a moment and doing some adjustment.

"Thanks I prefer old ones then a modern camera."

He gave you a smile. You had to admit it you somehow found it attractive. You shock that thought for stopping yourself thinking such thing. Van interrupts your little fight of thoughts you were having for just a moment.

"So,What brings you here?." Van said.

Now it's was his turned to asked you having the same curious you had earlier when he appeared standing next to you in the crowd.

"I'm here for a friend of mine who happens to be in the swimming competition." In proud tone you said.

"Which one is he?."

Van started looking all six swimmers. Wondering which of them is your friend you were telling him about. You were going to point out him to Ace,instead you say.

"See the boy with red head hair. That him."

Both of you watched Ace and the other swimmers getting into there position. Van was getting his camera ready to take maybe a few pictures. The whistle was heard indicating the starting of the race as all of the six of the boys jumped into the pool. You were focused on Ace and the other swimmers,so far he was doing good. You weren't notice some small click sound coming from Van's camera as he took a few pictures.

'Come on Ace you can do this'. You said in your own thoughts.

Seeing Ace getting a little bit behind from the others which makes you a little bit worried. Eventually Ace was catching up very quick which a smile appeared on your face. Van wasn't taking much picture,until Ace got his attention when he was catching up. Then when Van was adjusting his camera again. After adjusting it he looks first at the swimmers who were still kept going as they were going back fourth the second time and then looks at (Y/N) who kept their eyes on her friend. He took this moment taking a photo of you hopefully you won't notice or turned his direction while he take a picture of you.

Van as if time had slowed down when he took the picture. Just before he pressed the button. For a moment you turn to his direction like you had to turn your 90° degree to your right smiling at him. After taking the picture the two of you started into each other eyes for few second before the whistle blow.

"Looks like someone happy." (Y/n) said.

Van looks at the swimmers seeing her friend Ace doing a victory dance in the water.

Later on while waiting for Aces to come out. Van and (Y/n) had awkward silence between the two of you.

"Hey,sorry it took longer to get changed. Said Ace

Holding his large swim bag. Getting (y/n) out of her thoughts seeing Ace.

"It alright and congrats on winning first place." Said (y/n).

Ace nodded his head in response before he realize that Van was next to her.

"Oh sorry I didn't noticed you for a moment. Van right?."

Ace asked making sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Yeah, by the way your good swimmer I'm actually impressed. "

"Thanks " Said Ace.

" Alright boys how about we go somewhere to celebrated."

The boys agree as all them headed out.


After they went to a place to eat to celebrated. Later they headed to the near by shoreline that Ace knew. Enjoying the water and seeing the sunset. While Van took picture parts of the shoreline. (Y/n) pulled out something from her (color) jacket pocket before handing it to Ace.

"I got something for you."

Ace got curious shaking the small (color) box wondering what was inside the box. Which also maybe Van curious as well.

"Open it!" She shout in excitement.

"Alright alright." He chuckled.

Opening the (color)box with caution so he wouldn't fall off into ground or the water. When he opened it you could tell he had surprising expression on his face holding out with caution a necklace.

"Did you made this." Ace asked observing the necklace.

"Yeah I made it with sea weed,but of course I used normal material before putting some decorating it."

The necklace was made with wire that was cover with seaweed and it hang a purple seashell facing down. Ace put it over his head while Van asked you another question.

"So that that purple seashell is also decorate as in you paint it purple? "

"Actually one time when I was looking for some seashell I found it which caught me by surprised and I took it." Explaining to Van.

"Interesting. " He thought for moment.

Van nodded in response. Then (y/n) took her (color) cell phone getting her camera ready. She wanted a picture so she wouldn't forget this moment. Van took picture of you and Ace then the two boys switched Van explained how the camera work to Ace before taking the picture. After that they all stayed a little bit longer and then departure to their own home before it get dark. Van was only person left. He felt something warm a little bit of tingling inside his chest,but he knew one thing that he never forget.

"Love is a foolish thing." He thought.

(Hey guys sorry It took some time I been having some writer block lately which it made me hard to write the chapter and apology for the lack of the chapter too. I be update it when I'm on my computer. To correct something.

Update: I fix couple of things and I notice many of you are from different countries which It actually cool to see people reading your story from another country.)

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