Part 6

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In the small darkroom with red light bulb Van started to pinch a couple of photos that he had taken. While the photos were drying he walked to silver metal table that was side on the right side corner of the small room. The only thing that was on the table was a small black container box. He was about to open it until he heard a door open.

"There you are I was looking for you."

Van turned around seeing his dad closing the door behind entering the dark/red room Van was in. He started to observing some of the photos that he had taken these pasted few days and the ones from today.

"Well it's seem you been doing a lot of photography in your spare times instead."

"Dad your home early. Did anything happen?" Van asked.

"No nothing important or at least none of your consideration for time being."

Van was about to asked his father what he meant by that before he made another question to him.

"Have you been keeping up with your studies?"

"Yes. Indeed I have and of course practicing just like you told me too."

"Very well then I trust that you have I'll leave you back to what you we're doing."

Van nodded in response to him.

His father leaving he took one last look at the pictures that we're dying. He noticed a photo of Ace with the purple sea shell necklace that (Y/N) had given him. For some strange reason it reminded him of someone,but not in pleasant way.

"Who this young man in red hair?"

Van was confused for a moment until he realize what he had meant which was the photo of Ace himself. Going to where the photos were placed to dry.

"His name is Ace I was introduce by his best friend. He a good swimmer for his own kind that is."

"Yes their kind. "
While observe some of the photos.

His father raised an eye brow at his own son. He clearly meant those humans they're are foolish after at least for him it was,but it was strange of him using that statement. Van with caution showing photos of Aces swimming and other competitors to his father. He noticed the difference their were with all off them that at times he would looked closely so he wouldn't missed any important details.

"Van I'm impressed and you may just help our little investigation."

He smirk at him and patting Van shoulder.

"Wait you sure we're back on track again?"

"We may be and this time I am sure their won't be any of this line for sure."



(Y/n) finished an assignment for (subject) class. She took a slip of her (drink) from red cup. Then she decide to listen to some music. That is if she remember where she last placed her cell phone.

"Ugh! Why do I misplace my cell phone."

She started searching around her bed removing notebooks,pencils and a couple of paper and putting it in her (color/design) backpack then placing it down on the bedside. Then started lifting some of her pillows,but nothing. For just seconds looking to the floor of her room then from the corner of her eyes seeing the book her father had given her. She grabbed the royal blue wide book from her night table. At first she looked at the cover whiched had a mermaid touching the design cover before opening it.

"The Mythology of Mermaids and Legends."

She read the titule of the book. At first she flipped all the pages fast. Some had long paragraphs and with image of that looked paintings. (y/n) stopped at a page where it had a long golden that look like a fork, but next to the imagen it said Trident. Then turned to the next page seeing an purple shell, expect that it looked the exactly the same one that had given to Ace earlier today after the swimming competition. What got more attention was that it a myth.

"It has the ability to transform men to mermaid or mermaid into men. Legned said for it may only work a full moon appeared also if a person stayed longer in there transformation they're remain it till the next full moon and must have the shell for next full moon appeared or their be permanently be their own transformation and can't never go back to their original kind.

She looked out her window,but unfortunately it was cloudly and she really couldn't tell much. Then (y/n) cell phone rang with (music) ringtone. Following the sound and seeing it was on the floor underneath her bed. It must have fallen out when she didn't realize it. Grabbing her (length) (color) cell phone and seeing it was Ace.


"Hey um (Y/n) can I ask you something,how come you never mentioned that can glow?"

"Glow? What you mean glow?"
She had a little hint of panic in her voice.

"Well it more like it glow bright and then bright less and goes back glowing bright again."
He hold the necklace still wearing it around his neck. Still curious how she actually did it.

(Y/n) goes back to the book she was rushing through sentences and words,but it mentioned anything about glowing.

"Why! Isn't here!?" (Y/n) shouted.

Ace heard her shout on the other line of his phone. That he rubbed his ear for a moment.

"Hey everything alright?" He asked.
Not understanding what was happening at the moment.

"Take the necklace off of you right now!"

"Wait why!?."

"Because it turn you into a mermaid!"

Author note:
~Hey everyone. First I want to thank everyone who been favoriting and adding their own reading list. Second I do want to apologize for not updating sooner and may take me some time since I just started school on Monday. Hopefully I can update more and sooner if I am not too busy for school that is.~ +_+
Update: I changed the cover for the story,but the name it will remain as it is for time being.

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