Part 9

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Ace's Pov:

One moment I was complaining with (y/n) how ridicules what we were doing and all sudden I felt a sharp pain around my lower part of my waist. Like something was ripping them off with a knife or something much sharper then that,and I had to reach to the sand to lay myself down as the pain passed by. The last thing,before my vision had completely gone darkness was seeing (Y/n) still in the water and hearing her voice in distance.

"Ace..Ace wake up."


For a moment I thought i just hearing (Y/n)'s voice when it actually was. Opening my eyes seeing her staring me down only to see her in upside down of her face. Then I decided to just poke her forehead.

"Really?." In serious tone she said.

"I had to" I chuckled

As I got up and dusting off all the sand that was all over me, and feeling cold due to my clothes that were still little bit wet.

'Wait a second. Looking down my self for a moment. Why do I feel completely soaked as if I was in the water for a good long minutes? ' I thought to myself before actually asking.

"Did something happened to me when.. I passed out?"

(Y/n) started to rub the back of her neck at first not making eye contact with me. It got me worried for a long awkward of silence between us.

"You did passed out, and I got scared and started panicking-"

I couldn't bare to see like that as I gave her a comfort hug rubbing her back as she hugged me closed. Then we both started walking out of the cave and taking her to my house.


  After taking (Y/n) back to my house so she could stay the night since it was already late, after taking a nice warm shower again due the soaked clothes, but before I headed to my own bedroom I checked on (Y/n) since she was sleeping in the guest room for the night. Just when I was about to knock on the door, I noticed her door slightly open and saw her already deep asleep wearing a long shirt I let her borrow for the night. As I enter the room quietly covering her body in a light blanket, pulling her hair away from her face, then headed out the room closing her door tight yet quietly.  

 Once I reached for my own bedroom, laying down on the bed looking at the ceiling for a split second, before I sit up and observe at the purple shell that I was wearing  

*~dream ~*

All I could tell at first was hearing people talking or laughing, having a wonderful celebration of some sort since I couldn't see much, but then I saw young woman face had upon on me, but I couldn't see much of her own face, then another face appear and still I couldn't see a clear feature of them, but for some reason it felt as I was actually feel being loved and warm from, but before I could say anything I was changed into a different point of view seeing a couple looking at their baby in young woman arms. "Our beautiful boy." Said the women rocking it so it would stay asleep "Yes beautiful. Like his mother. " smiled the men at his partner. Suddenly the two couples looked up as if they were staring at me, just when I was to take a step a bright light came over my vision.

~ * dream *~

  I was awoken by the ray of sunlight coming outside, luckily it was the weekends so I didn't have to get up early for school or otherwise I would've been awakened by my aunt which she normally woke me up in the mornings without me complaining with her, but even if I had woken early during the weekends I didn't have a problem with it even if I try to go back asleep for at least an hour or two which is kinda nice. For a moment I have forgotten about (Y/n) staying at my placelast night due to the incident that had occurred last night in the forbidden cave.  

Still I couldn't remember much of it,but it was strange though. I thought as I walked out my bedroom into my own thoughts as I continue my way to kitchen and seeing (y/n) cooking waffles.

"Morning sleepy head."

As she turns and noticed me arriving, yet I was still half awaken to be honest.

"Hey." I yawn as I response.

She giggled a little bit as she handed me a plate of two waffles.

"Want the maple or chocolate syrup? "

As she was holding out the two syrups. Which I honestly didn't mind either of them was fine with me so I shuddered my shoulder in response as I started eating my waffles. At first it was just silent between the two of us until i decided to break it up.

"So (y/n) your feeling better from last night?"

I asked her.

 She nodded at first as she continues to eat her waffles, but I knew her too well and that she was hiding something from me about last night.  

"(nickname) did something happened to me. You know last night?"

Reader's Pov:

*Flash back from last night*

"Now, tell me. What were you doing in my cave?"

"I-i.. "

I was shudder, even scared to what he might do to me at this very moment. Trying to find the words I was looking for, but they just hiding away somewhere deep in my mind.

"I'll ask this once final time. What were you doing in my cave?"

He said in a much serious, yet impatient tone.

"Listen the thing my friend is inside and he in great pain. If you be kind to help him out maybe?"

"Now why should I help your little human friend of yours and besides what in it for me."

He crossed both his arms being suspect about the situation.

"Well if you help we promise not ever to come near your cave ever again or bother you in that matter."

"Alright you got yourself a deal,but I do have condition though."

For a moment I felt relief expected for the last thing about condition he had.


He had a smirk forming on his face which something tells me it might not be good.

"In exchange you must do me a favor depending if it necessary. "

"Alright I- I guess."

Then he let's go of me as we both headed back inside the cave. When we got back to the cave just when I was just about to tell him where Aces was laying down at I noticed something different about him as I swim closer to him and then I realize he had a tail. Mermaid tail.

Authour Note:

Hey you guys I'm actually glad to write another chapter to this story. I'm really surprise how this story is growing so fast and I want to thank everyone who been sticking around and leaving some those lovely comments thank you. Also to anyone new to this story welcome and hopefully you guys are enjoying it so far.

I do want to say since I take forever to write chapters for this story and you guys wait for so long (which i apologize )I'm gonna do my best to write as many chapters because I been having writer's block when I wanna write to this story,but I may have a found a solution. Hopefully you all are having wonderful day. Until next time


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