Part 8

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   Van had been staring at the ceiling for a while with his hands behind his head. In his deepest thoughts remembering his purpose here. Why their own species like himself could never be related to  any other such species.  Especially with their own abilities that only certain rare of his own species had cap. He had sudden urge of going to his own private place that only he knew.


"Nothing happening." said (Y/n)

Holding the purple shell on her palms.

"It only a waste of time (y/n) let just go home." Suggested Ace.

"Let just wait a little longer."

"(Y/n) it the fifth time you say that every five minutes." Ace reminded his friend.

"Alright then why don't you try it yourself since it only glow on you."  

(y/n) crossed her arms on her chest. Ace was surprised,but he didn't wanted to try it,yet he was curious if it actually worked or not.

"Your crazy you that right."

As he started to walk slowly into the water towards (y/n)

"Crazy,but in a good way."

She told him. As soon he got close to (y/n) and she hands over the shell necklace to him. The shell started to glow they looked at each other then to the full moon. Soon the moonlight was shining bright then usually. 


(Y/n) saw Ace holding his stomach in pain with his eyes really closed.

"Ace! Ace what wrong?!"

(Y/n) panic not understanding what was happening.

"I-i not- Arg!"

He continue holding his stomach and started breathing heavy and he jump deep into the water cave.

"Ace!" (y/n) cried.


 He was about to enter the cave from the other entrance that he would normally enter, but as his true form. As soon he arrived, he stayed still with only his eyes above water seeing two people. One of them was in pain trying to reach up to the gray sand while the other was helping them out. As he started to get closer to them, he soon realizes who these humans were. (Y/n) try shaking Ace's body would was now had a green mermaid tail, but he it seems be in a state of unconsciousness. Soon as (Y/n) turns towards the sea salt water, she had small tears forming that blurred her vision a bit. Seeing someone in the water for a moment she was nervous, yet scared. (Y/n) wipes her tears off that had formed and bravely asked the stranger.

"W-who are you?" (Y/n)

At first he didn't response to her question for a moment instead he gave her a glace before he sink back down to the water.


(Y/n) didn't wanted to leave Ace's side especially since he was unconscious,but she hopes to be back, before he awoke. She ran into the water goes deeper down to find the stranger. At first she couldn't find anyone except to notice there was a tunnel that connects to the cave. She went back up to the surface to catch some air, before going through the small hole to see where it might lead to. As she swam to where the underwater tunnel was she looked at her surroundings so far nothing as she continue swimming through the water tunnel as fast she could. Soon once she reach to the surface to catch her breath she noticed it was just the outside of cave like an exit/ entrance. Suddenly she felt something near her feet and went against the wall near the underwater tunnel having fear entering her mind. Looking around her surroundings again,until she felt something wrapped her legs struggling to break free from whatever was wrapping her legs. 

"Mine,mine what do we have here?" 

(Y/n) looks up to see a young man,but he had purple skin with white hair and those beautiful turquoises eyes staring at them for a good minute. Then (y/n) felt him grabbing her chin carefully.

"Now, tell me. What where you doing in my cave?"

Author Note:

Hey guys I finally wrote a chapter I was planning on posting it around Christmas,but things happen and I had to start again writing the chapter.Also sorry if it kinda short too.

Anyway.. Happy 2016 and I wish all you guys a good year and I also wanted say that I instead of just the imagines of male version of Ariel and Ursula I'm gonna do all types of imagines that Disney related and I gonna do one Star Wars one because I watched that movie few days ago and it awesome and now I know what it feels when someone say a small spoiler from it, Like seriously you can't really say a word to anybody who doesn't want to get spoiler. So expect some of those imagines and if you like you may request some as long is Disney related and nothing dirty for the moment. 

Love you all



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