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The crumpled face Dan had on his stressed face was making them all wonder in worry. He walked back to the waiting room only to find the sad faces staring up at him, asking for explanation. 

“He has brain damage because of the impact he received from the other car that hit his front side. Thankfully, there is no serious damage to his organs. Though he has fractured rib, broken wrist, and the others are only small cuts. The police were still doing the research of the drunk driver who had run off right after the accident,” Dan sighed with exhausted feeling he felt all of the sudden. His fists clenched around nothing on each of his sides with fury, thinking about the drunk man that had his son to be involved in a life-threatening condition.

Liam decided to stand up and patted his shoulder, offering some moral support to calm his nerves. “It’s okay, Dan. He will be alright. He is always the strongest one between us.”

Dan inhaled a deep breath before nodding. “Yeah, I know he will pull through this. I believe in him.”

Before Liam could say anything, a blonde nurse came from the room with her sweet smile. “You all can see him now, considering now is the visit time. But remember, only one person is allowed to stay the night with him.”

She excused herself after they said thank you’s in unison. Eleanor was the first to open the door and walked over to Louis’ side. The boys and Daniel followed close behind. 

There was a fresh bandage wrapped around his head, his fluffy brown hair was messy and there were a few clean cuts on his face and arms. One of the wrists was bandaged with a cast as well. He had a silicone mask on while his eyes still closed while the thick, long eyelashes fanned over his high cheekbones.

His other hand had an IV attached to it and his skinny body was already covered in a thin layer of the hospital gown. His chest was moving up and down in steady breath. It was a soothing sight to say the least. The fright from the critical condition they experienced of him previously had made all of them feel anxious.

The girl beside him took his ‘good’ hand in her smaller ones and kissed his knuckles gently. She was so worried about him and seeing him like this made her feel sick.

Louis was known to be one of those people who could change the mood so everyone was laughing because of his jokes. Now, the life of the party was laying pliant on the single bed of the hospital and tension in the room was thick with awkwardness. 

“Lou, please wake up,” Eleanor whispered into his ear.

Dan came to the other side to kiss him on the head and stroked his hair before Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry were taking turns to say something to him or caress him. 

The last one made Louis’ fingers twitch. Eleanor looked up eagerly at him in so much hope then his eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the light in the room. 

Louis blinked his blue eyes a few times before they landed on the girl who sat next to him with her hands around his injected one. He opened his mouth and the voice croaked out. “Why do you hold my hand?”

The smile was replaced with a frown on Eleanor’s face in the nick of time. “What? What do you mean?”

Louis sighed heavily, then turned his head to look at the person he was searching for. “Harry? Why do you let her hold me?”

The mentioned boy who was sitting on the couch furrowed his eyebrows. “She is your girlfriend, Lou. She can do whatever she wants.”

Louis jerked his hand back from Eleanor’s, his sharp intake of breath could be heard by all people in the room. He shakily held back the tears that burned his eyes. “How could you?” He said above a whisper.

Cause I'm Really Not Fine At All (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now