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Louis was forced to drive home with Harry, only because Dan had yet to go to the office to get his work done.

The pair did not even acknowledge each other’s presence.

Harry was looking straight to the road, not sure if he wanted to apologize for the mistake he didn’t even make in the first place or let Louis figure it out himself. 

On the other side, Louis looked out through the black tinted windows, enjoying the view of houses and cars they passed by. He still hurt inside even though he would never show his weak side in front of him ever again. 


Every time he tried, the smaller boy was ignoring him. He did not even want to know if he deserved the silent treatment or not. 

Harry eventually gave up and the rest of the ride was awfully quiet.

In no time, they arrived at Louis’ and a second after Harry unlocked the door, Louis dashed out of the car without waiting for him.

Harry just sighed and opened his door then to the trunk to get Louis’ bag. 

Harry locked the car and saw Louis was still standing on the porch, welcoming himself to view the entire part of the house. He sported that confused expression on his face but not daring to say anything. 

“Do you wanna get in or what?”

The words sounded somewhat rude, however Harry spoke it in a soft tone of his deep voice.

Louis averted his gaze to Harry. His eyes glared at him like demanding an explanation but kept refusing to talk. 

Harry ran his free hand through his hair in frustration.

“Yes, Louis. This is your house. C’mon in, I’ll give you a quick tour.”

Harry unlocked the door before walking in, small steps were heard from behind him, making him feel relieved that, at least, Louis was still listening to him although he didn't talk to him. He put the bag aside then walked from one room to another. He explained what each room was for since he hung out there every so often knowing Louis was barely home because he was too busy being Eleanor’s boyfriend, who was the type of lover that would rather hang out at Starbucks than staying in the house. 

The tour ended in a matter of time. Harry insisted Louis sit on the kitchen stool while he brought an ice pack for him. “Put it on your ribs, Lou.”

Louis stared at him ridiculously but took it anyway. He lifted up the shirt and hid the ice pack under it. He felt thankful for Harry’s presence there but he couldn’t believe he was the same guy who said those hurtful words earlier. The ground was suddenly more exciting to look at rather than him. 

“Are you gonna be silent until the rest of the day?”

A husky, low voice of Harry broke the silence. A minute passed and nothing came to answer his question, only a blast of cold air hit his skin occasionally. 

“Okay then. Just so you know, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll make you tired to see the sight of me.”

Harry expected to hear some laughter or giggles coming out from Louis’ mouth, but still nothing. If he decided to start a game, then the two could play it. 

   ҉     ҉     ҉  

Louis kept ignoring Harry for a couple of days despite the taller boy having been telling him either about treatment or the medicines he had to take. Tending to his needs every then and there. He released a huff every time it happened but obeyed him. And that was it. 

Harry inhaled a very deep breath before letting it all out. Any kind of noise Louis made was a relief to him. It was much better than a soundless Louis. He was sitting in the living room, watching the movie which he didn’t really pay attention to when he realized that Louis had been in the kitchen for quite a while. He turned the TV off then walked to the kitchen. 

The worried boy let out a silent sigh of relief when he found Louis there. What concerned him the most was that he was standing on his tip toes trying to reach for something in the cupboard. He carefully walked on his tiptoes towards him as to not scare him and placed his arms around his waist to bring him down, only to hear a yelp fall from Louis’ lips. He kept thrashing around until he managed to kick Harry’s dick in the process before he stopped making any movement completely.

Groans left both of their mouths. 


Harry tried his best not to drop Louis randomly, remembering his bruised body even though he neglected his throbbing, painful cock purposely. He put Louis down carefully before cupping his cock. A sharp pain shot and lingered throughout his body, really hurt like a bitch. His face scrunched up in agony as Louis’ kick was fairly hard.

After he felt the throbbing feeling was bearable, he looked over to Louis and found him with tears gathering in the corner of his shut-tight eyes. He examined Louis who remained still but his face contorted in so much pain until he cried out.

It suddenly hit Harry.

The shot of panic made Louis forget about his ribs, the broken one to be exact. He ran towards him and swept him up just as he fell unconscious and went pliant in Harry’s arms. 

A barely audible whisper followed by. “Fuck.”

Cause I'm Really Not Fine At All (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now