1- face to face

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"are you really sure with this?" minji looked behind her as she heard a voice. it was from yeonsoo, the only woman she can trust and the witness of her mom's case.

minji let out a loud sigh. "of course". she said and made a small smile as she faced yeonsoo. "besides, it's the only thing i could do to help mom. no one's gonna do it for us". she muttered and began to pack her things.

she remembered the words that her dad told her. "do it. don't come back to me unless you have that woman in your hands". it was a mission that she should succeed in order to get justice for her mom.

after setting everything, she fixed herself, tying her hair and put her sunglasses on. she then folded her sleeves up and wore her id. totally looking like a professor.

she was about to grab her bag when she noticed a newspaper beside it. "...presidential election will be held next month". she read silently. she knows her dad would be the happiest if ever he won the election. she was against this but she can't do anything but to let her dad.

minji stopped as a thought came to her mind. "yeonsoo-ah, do you think this will work?". she asked and the woman looked at her blankly.

after a second, yeonsoo answered.  "mhm, probably? maybe it may help, somehow". the woman said and a small curve formed on her lips. "don't worry, we will do everything to get our sweet revenge that they deserve, okay?".

minji chuckles. "right".

after a small talk, minji bid a goodbye and finally left the house.

on her way to the campus, her car suddenly bumped into something. she went out to check only to see a case of wine in front of her. "geez. who on earth threw this thing in the middle of this damn street?". she annoyingly muttered as she grab the case.

"sorry". a voice suddenly appeared that startled her. "that's mine". the woman said and took the case on minji's hand. she was shorter than her, have a black silky hair and bangs. the woman was ready to leave when minji held her wrist to stop her.

"excuse me". she called, annoyingly. "you just left that thing here that almost put me into an accident, miss. then you're just leaving like that?".

the woman stared at her as if she was not hearing anything. she let out a small chuckle and made an eye contact with minji. "i apologized already. what more do you want?".

"ya!-" she was cut off by her sudden realization. "aren't you... a student?". she asked, seeing that the woman is actually wearing a school uniform under a black hoodie. "where's your i.d.?"

"i.d? i left it."

"aish! whatever, i'm gonna be late because of your mess". minji turned her back and was about to open her car's door but she stopped. "make sure i won't see your face again or else i'm gonna report you. you know this is illegal". she said and finally went inside her car and drove away, leaving the woman dumbfounded.

"ya, hanni-ah! what are you still doing here?". another woman appears and looked at her hand. "aish! did they told you to get wine again?!".

"don't worry. it's okay". hanni replied and began to walk. "let's go to the campus".


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