3- pool

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"the suspect for kim hyonjung murder case finally gave her statements regarding the crime. she requested to hide her identity while nothing is proven yet. she promised to cooperate in the investigation..."

hanni paused the video as she leaned her back on her chair. she sighed deeply. "i shouldn't have went there". she whispered under breath.

it's been stressing her out. she swear to all god in the whole universe that she is innocent and didn't kill the woman. she was a victim of set-up.

'ugh, my head hurts'

it was exactly 6 pm and hanni was the only one left in the campus trying to finish her proposal for their club's upcoming event. she was currently staying at their club's office which is the only peaceful and safe place for her.

thinking no one's around, she removed her hoodie and walked towards her locker. she grabbed her extra clothes and towel before going to the upper floor where the pool is.

hanni will have an upcoming tournament for swimming and she don't have anything to do other than practicing. she was one of the representatives on their campus so she is literally a busy one.

without wasting any time, hanni changed her clothes into her swimming attire and directly positioned herself to the pool. her eyes were focused only on the water in front of her. she wore her goggles and ready herself before finally making in contact with the water. she can feel the coldness against her skin as she continued to swam towards the end wall.

her practice lasted for thirty minutes and she make her way to the bathroom to change her clothes. without her knowing, someone arrived at the pool.

it was minji who was having a tour alone while thinking about her plans. she arrived inside and she was amazed on how big the entire room is. she continued walking until she stopped near the edge of the pool. the water touched her shoes. she was about to turn back when her shoe suddenly become slippery as it touches the wet tiles, making her fell out of balance. her body dropped down right in the pool.

the loud splash of water caught hanni's attention. she immediately dropped her towel and directly ran to the pool after realizing what happened.

"who the hell is still here at this hour". she whispered in shock.

she dove into the water and quickly held the person on its arm, dragging her up near the wall of the pool. they both catches their breath as theiy went to the shallow part of the water.

hanni's hands didn't leave the woman's arm. her gaze turned to her, finally having a look to the latter's face. "m-miss kim, are you okay?".

their body were only inches away from each other and hanni began to feel anxious about something. the strange feeling is there again.

their eyes finally met.

that was the moment when they can't feel the coldness on their body anymore. both of them are breathing heavily and hanni can feel the warm air that comes from the woman. it touches her skin and it sends a weird electricity on her body as if minji was doing it in purpose.

no one break the eye contact and minji is definitely out of her senses. she have no idea what to do and she feels stuck on the woman's eyes. hanni's hand on her arm adds more tension between them. minji surely can't handle her touch anymore.

"miss kim". hanni called once again, bringing minji's senses back right away.

"h-huh?-uh uhm... s-sorry". minji moved away as she realized how close they are.

and she regret that.

"let's go up first. the water is cold". hanni said and minji nods in response. she walked towards the metal handle and climbed up right away.

she hugged herself as it gets more colder when she got off from the water. 'shit. what a wrong idea to went here'.

hanni then immediately followed her up.

minji's gaze turned to her and her eyes definitely likes- no, she loves what she's seeing. hanni's body is perfect. the water flowing down on her skin is like moving in slowmo. the way hanni's face is still fine with the messy strand of hair on it is just... minji can't explain it.

nervousness suddenly appeared on her as she saw hanni approaching her with a towel on its hand.

the woman stopped in front of her and moved closer. their faces were only inches away once again as hanni put the towel around her. she didn't let go of the towel  and accidentally made another eye contact with the taller woman.

they were too close to the point that, one wrong move, they will feel each other's lips.

the tension lasted in ten seconds as hanni broke it. "hold the towel". she said, avoiding the woman's eyes now.

minji follows as she said. their hands touches but hanni quickly removed her hand away from the towel. she immediately went to the bathroom with her face actually getting red, leaving minji who was thinking about what just happened.

'kim minji, stop'. and there she goes again. if only her mind is a person, it would probably end up punching her at the moment.

meanwhile, pham hanni was sprinting on her way back to minji, her clothes were back to hoodie and a new pants from her locker. she saw minji sitting on the bench as she approach her. she wasn't expecting that the latter would still be here.

"uhm... i have an extra clothes in my locker-".

"it's okay, i'll go home now anyways". minji cuts her off, knowing what she would say. "thankyou". she added. she was shivering at the moment but she wanted to thank the woman before she go out.

there was a silence for a moment.

"you're not going home yet?". minji asked.

"i won't go home. i usually... sleep in my office". hanni answered awkwardly.

although minji can't take the coldness, her body don't want to leave for some reason. "i bet you didn't have dinner yet". she muttered and began to walk away.

hanni's eyes followed her.

"what are you staring at? come here, let's grab a dinner". says minji as she gestures the woman to follow her.

"no thankyou, miss kim. i'll just buy later outside. don't worry". hanni denied right away, swaying her hand in the air.

"it's okay. it's my pay for saving my dear life".

hanni unknowingly smiled. she have no choice but to accept it. besides, it's a good sign to save her allowance. "okay, miss kim".

minji smirked in success. 'you're an easy one huh'

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