5- connection

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"so... how did it go?". yeonsoo asks, eyes fixed to minji who's currently preparing coffees for the both of them.

"did you came here 5:30 in the morning just to ask that?". the tall woman annoyingly asks as she finished the coffees.

she walked towards yeonsoo's chair and handed her the cup.

"i'm just excited, calm down". yeonsoo laughed. "ah also, remember your favorite author? i've read a new novel and girl, the story is so interesting".

minji's eyes widened.  "author karina? new novel? ugh! why am i not updated?".

"ya! you want a spoiler?". yeonsoo moved closer. "it's also about a teacher who's getting a revenge to her student. isn't it similar to you, minji?! oh my g- i just realized it right now".

"ya ya ya! lower your voice". minji stopped the woman's excitement, knowing that her voice could reach her room.

yeonsoo threw a glare. "why? as if someone's gonna wake up because of my voice".

minji bit her lower. 'yes dummy. someone's gonna wake up because of your voice!'.

"you want another spoiler?". yeonsoo lowered her voice this time. "they both fell in love with each other".

minji didn't respond.

"oh right, the ending is not similar to you. my bad". yeonsoo chuckled and came back to her serious mode as she saw minji became quite. "did you already met her?".

minni nods as a response.

"so, how does this pham hanni looks like?".

silence filled the room.

"she looks..." minni paused in the middle of her sentence. hanni's face appears on her mind out of nowhere. she bit her lower lip to stopped herself from smiling. it was just, hanni is too much for her to handle.

"... terrible". minji finished her sentence with a lie. of course, she won't tell yeonsoo about how she's simping over the girl who's supposed to be her enemy.

"knew it, ain't no way a killer would look fine". yeonsoo grinned at her sentence. "well, glad to know that there's no reason for you to ruin the plans. i'm worried you would end up like the novel i've read".

minji suddenly became serious. will she ruin the plans because of this strange feelings? will she able to control herself?

'ugh, pham hanni! why it has to be you!'.

minji closed her eyes in frustration.

"that girl is really getting into my nerves. i'll kill her when i see her for real!". yeonsoo raised her voice again waking minji from her deep thoughts.

"ya!, i told you to lower your voice!".

"why?! is there someone who's gonna wake up-".

and before yeonsoo could finish her statement, a woman suddenly appeared on their side, standing like she doesn't know what to do seeing minji and yeonsoo in front of her.

yeonsoo's eyes examined her, looking from head to toe before turning her gaze to minji. "ya, minji-ah". the woman called with serious tone.

minji looked at her with a it's -not-what-you're-thinking look on her face.

"IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND ?". yeonsoo exclaimed dramatically making minji choke on her saliva.

hanni remained standing straight on their side, her eyes blinking innocently and trying to process what she just heard.

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