7- congressman

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"goodmorning, congressman kim!". everyone greeted in unison as they all bowed their heads.

the four women in the front seats exchange a look before looking back to the man in front of them.

"it's nice to see you again, class A". the man in his 40's said, smiling widely.

"it's nice to see you too, congressman kim! we are also giving our condolences, we're sorry for what happened". said wonbin who just got moved to class A.

hanni was surprised to see the man on her class. wonbin was in class B last year but he ranked up that's why he was moved to class A.

"thankyou, wonbin. it's really saddening that i visit here alone. hyonjung must be jealous of me now". said congressman kim and playfully chuckled. everyone giggled except the four ladies.

"don't worry congressman kim. i'm sure the suspect will be punished for real". another guy named minho stated that made the old man grin.

hyein, being the one sitting beside hanni, held her hand and smiled towards the woman, giving her an are-you-okay?-look.

hanni nods in response and forced a smile.

"well, i hope so. i haven't met her yet and i'm looking forward to see her as soon as possible". the congressman smiled in satisfaction. "anyways, i am here to inform you all that we will be having a celebration party for everyone. hyonjung and i have talked about this before and i know she will be happy if i continue it. i scheduled the party next week so i hope y'all prepare now".

the whole class cheered after the statement. they have been waiting for this moment and finally it will happen again. the school have this special event every year with the congressman and his wife and it is one of the event that they're looking forward. however, four girls at the front didn't seem to be excited. they're all worried actually.

"okay everyone, i have to go now. it was nice to be here after a long time". congressman kim gave them a smile as the whole class said their goodbyes.

the moment congressman kim was about to go out the room, minji arrived with her eyes landed straight to her dad. the whole room was filled with silence for five seconds.

"oh, hi! you must be their teacher". her dad asks that made minji shut her eyes in frustration. she don't want this.

"h-hi, congressman kim". minji greeted and bowed slightly. her dad was amazed by the action that her daughter made. "it was nice to meet you... again, congressman".

the four girls on the other hand were confused. sudden questions came into their minds seeing the interaction between the woman and the congressman.

'are we wrong?'

'argh, stupid me. why did i even think of that'

'no, this might be an act only'.

'what on earth is happening?'.

"i explained everything to your class already. i'll be going now ".

"ah right, thankyou congressman. see you next week". minji bowed once again until the old man made her way to the other room.

'why he always act like he doesn't know me'. minji was furious. she was never known for being the daughter of hyonjung and the congressman as if she was just nothing. she was been hidden and minji had enough of it.

"i feel bad for congressman kim. i hope the suspect will be punished as soon as possible".

"i know right. that muderer deserves to die too".

"mrs. kim is too kind for her to do that".

the murmurs inside the class made minji came back to her senses.

she looked at the group of girls who was talking about her mom then turned her gaze to hanni.

the shorter woman seems to be anxious.

"everyone, enough!". minji shuts them all. the students immediately closed their mouth as soon as minji entered the room.

she took a last glance to hanni before starting her lesson.

an hour had passed and minji noticed that hanni was quite the whole time. she know the reason but she's worried for some reason. it feels wrong for her to feel that but her heart says otherwise.

minji's lesson was done and she was ready to exit the room when she couldn't control herself to look at hanni.

"pham hanni". she called. the woman looked at her innocently, waiting for her words.

minji doesn't know what to say. she just wanted to get the woman's attention because it seems like hanni was avoiding her from the moment she enter the room. they never made any eye contacts and she never heard hanni's voice which she was waiting.

"collect the notes we did earlier and bring it to my office". said minji. it was the only way she can do to make hanni come to her.

the woman nodded without saying a word. she then stood up and collected each of the paper they've wrote earlier during the class. minji smiled in satisfaction as she made her way to the office to prepare herself. she want to talk to hanni so bad.

minutes had passed and the door finally opened making minji looked at it with a curve forming on her lips. but then, her smile dropped as she saw a woman she didn't expect to come.

"sorry, miss kim. hanni handed me the papers and told me to bring it to you instead because she's not feeling well". the woman said.

"oh i see. thankyou, ha-na". minji smiled and grabbed the papers to the woman.

"you can go back to-". minji stopped when she noticed the latter moved closer to her, their faces were just inches away at the moment and minji have no idea on what is happening.

"oh, sorry. there was something on your collar, miss kim". ha-na finally moved away and minji was able to breathe now.

ha-na on the other hand was satisfied on what she did. she threw a smirk then exited the office, leaving minji confused on her chair.

minji then looked at her phone as a notification suddenly appeared. the woman clicked the message that shows 'detective jang' above it.

from: detective jang
9:00 am

tomorrow is will be the start of the investigation. pham hanni will be ask some questions and you need to be there too.

minji sighed at the text. "ugh! she shouldn't find out who i am yet".

to: detective jang
9:15 am

i'm sorry, detective. i won't be able to go tomorrow. i will send yeonsoo instead.

after a moment, detective jang approved her request. she sighed in relief as she looked at someone's location. she immediately took a closer look as she noticed that it was moving.

"she's leaving? the second sub is starting now, where is she going right now". minji whispered, watching the moving location of hanni on her phone.

setting the location is probably the best part she have done so far and it's gonna be a big help for her.

because she doesn't have any schedule today, minji decided to go home, not knowing that something big is waiting for her that will sure make her regret her decision.


we're getting there y'all haha

don't forget to vote:]

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