6- truth

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hanni was on her way to the campus. she was now back on her daily routine again.

"hey, hanni". a voice of a guy called from her back. she turned around only to see a build of a tall man in front of her. "how's your wound?". he looked at her lips and checked its condition.

"better now". hanni replied, covering her lips where the wound is as she noticed that the guy remained staring at it. "wonbin-ah". hanni called.

the said man snapped back to reality as he heard. he was been staring at hanni for like yen seconds straight. "oh yeah- uhm, someone reported on our office". wonbin said, remembering about the report minutes ago.

hanni sighed. "about what".

"remember jinha? the girl you saved at the rooftop".

hanni's eyes looked at him directly after hearing the name. "w-what about her? is she okay? where is she?". questions came out on her mouth. a worry face appeared and hanni's heart became anxious.

jinha was the girl who attempted suicide on the rooftop a year ago. everyone was terrified and worried to her that day and almost forgot that they were the reason on why jinha was doing that. the girl was a victim of bullying and everything is getting out of the line, causing her to end her life.

but luckily, hanni was there to save her. hanni did everything she can do to persuade the woman to stop what she's planning to do. it was hard but hanni handled it well. she was able to stop jinha and promised to her that she will protect her at all cost.

"uh, well". wonbin cleared his throat while hanni is unable to control herself from being worried. "her friend talked to me and said that jinha is not attending the classes for a week already. she already went to jinha's home but no one was there, and..." he stopped, biting her lower lip.

"what? did something happened to her?". hanni held wonbin's sleeve. the grip is getting tighter and tighter.

"jinha left a note on her locker...".

hanni was is listening attentively, not missing any word that comes from wonbin. she let go of the man's sleeve when it started to move, grabbing something on his pocket.

"what's this?". asked hanni as soon as wonbin gave it to her.

she didn't wait for the response and immediately opened the folded paper. the written words makes hanni more anxious than before.

'pham hanni, i'm sorry. i don't know what to do. i'm really sorry. please meet me as soon as possible. i need you to come to me before you regret it'

hanni's hand trembled, folding the paper again before looking at wonbin. "don't let anyone know about this. tell her friend not to worry and i'll talk to her teachers. i will find jinha". she stated. she doesn't feel good about this but she will make sure to find jinha as fast as she can.

"i will help you find her".

hanni shook her head, putting the folded paper on her pocket. "jinha have her reason why she called for me. i will find her on my own, and you just need to keep this to yourself and her friend. just... just don't tell anyone about this. clear?".

wonbin nodded in response. "be careful, okay? just call me if something happens. i'll be with you right away". he stated and patted hanni's head. a smiled formed on his lips as he did that.

hanni never failed to make him feel that way. he never regret courting the woman and he will never stop until he got her. he knew it was quite hard but he still feel lucky that hanni is letting him to court her. he would never trade her for anything.

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