2- mission

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today's the first day of school yet hanni's sitting beside the new teacher who's applying an ointment on her wound.

if anyone's wondering how and where on earth did she got that, well, obviously, someone slapped her real hard.


"hey, are you gu mihyuk?". hanni asked, approaching a group of guys that are currently smoking right in front of her. her eyes were fixed with the tallest man. she have never seen him before.

'cool. he's probably a transferee here yet he's acting like he lived in here for like a year or two now huh.'

"yes? that's me. what's your deal little princess?".

that was the most disgusting words she have heard in her entire life.

hanni chuckled bitterly and walked closer to them. the smell of beer ran to her nose as soon as she arrived near them.

'this sucks'.

"did you all know that drinking is not allowed in this campus?". hanni's eyes were glaring at each of them, but they didn't seem to care on what she was saying.

"drinking is not allowed?". minhyuk, the new guy, said and laughed after they all exchanged a look. "that's illegal. we want to be hydrated at least. how can we live without drinking". another laugh comes out on their mouth.

'jeez. this is going to be a hard one'.

"mister drinker..." hanni walked closer to him enough for her to hold his collar. "i know you know what i mean-"

"well well little princess, i know you're pretty and yeah you're my type but are you sexually abusing me right now?". the guy said, grinning widely to her.

it irritates hanni so much to the that she wished to punch him right now. she cools herself and made a smile as she playfully chuckled. "sexually abusing huh?".

'where did this guy even get the nerve to say that'.

"i'm sorry but, i think you will spend your first day to the guidance office for drinking beer inside the campus and leaving the box of beer in the middle of the street. how dumb are you". hanni said as she tightened the grip on his collar. she was totally pulling him down.

minhyuk's expression became serious as he felt her grip on him. he never know what more this girl can do and he's wondering where did this woman get a courage to hold him like that.

"what are you even talking about?". he responds, annoyance was visible on his face. "and get off your filthy hand on me, you dumb".

and it was the moment hanni felt so mad when she hear his words. minhyuk hit her hand hard enough to remove it on his collar.

hanni groaned in pain as she caress her right hand that began to redden right now.

"great. what a nice day to start my life". she whispered under her breath.

'after i encountered a fine woman earlier, i am now dealing with these bitches in which i don't know where the hell did they came from'

"come with me to the guidance room. i don't want to waste my time with you since my first class will soon start. i care for my future, so". hanni threw them a grin and held minhyuk on his collar again. trying to pull him when he, for the second time, hit her hand again. what happened next is the worst.

hanni fell on the floor while holding her left cheek as soon as she felt his hand on her skin. it was a hard slap one that can even make her in tears at the moment. it was not her first time to be slapped but this one's one of the strongest slap she have received in her life.

'i hate my job'. hanni thought. only if she's not the school president and the president of d-club, she'll never ever deal with anyone right now.

"get lost, little princess hmm?". he said.

another slap was about to be given to hanni when a group of students and one of the respected teacher appeared behind them.

hanni looked at them and chuckled. 'not a bad timing'.

"hanni, are you okay?". it was woonbin, the vice president of d-club. "i'm sorry i wasn't with you earlier. i shouldn't have left you". the guy said as he helped the woman to stand.

"i'm fine. just... bring them to the guidance office".

"what's the case?". woonbin asked.

"they're drinking at the campus and left the beer on the highway. i checked the cctv footages and it was really them". hanni explained, feeling pain on her lips.

"alright. uhm, sir kang?". woonbin called and the teacher was already talking to the guys.

"i'll bring them to the guidance". mr. kang said and looked at hanni. "you did well again, hanni. treat your wound on the clinic, okay?".

hanni nodded. she like it when she get a compliment everytime she did her job as a president of the school and her club.

d-club is where the officers investigate and discipline the students who needs it. her club is the most respected club amongst others. well, it's hanni who's handling it tho, and she never fails to teach those students what they deserve. they always end up being caught by her.

"hey hanni, let me assist you to the clinic". wonbin said as soon as the others left.

"uh, no need. i will attend my class now. thank you". without waiting for wonbin's response, hanni ran away and directly went to her class.

she glance on her watch and yes, she's five minutes late. 'great. i will face another war'.


hanni's gaze again turned to minji, having another chance to admire the woman's beauty.

"are you done?". she was startled by the woman's voice.

"done what?". asked hanni.

minji's eyes turned to her as she put down the ointment. "admiring me".

hanni threw a glare. she can't lie. she was caught off guard. "excuse me?".

"i'm joking". minji said as she stood up. "your wound is treated, pham hanni. i guess you're a trouble maker one".

"it's actually trouble maker's enemy ". hanni said. "that's a job of being the campus president, you know".

"are you flexing?".

"just stating facts".

minji smiled. "alright, i want to know about your 'president thing' but i think you need to go back to your room now".

"you're not teaching?".

"didn't you heard what i've said earlier? i will start the class tomorrow".

"i'm just asking, miss kim minji". hanni then stood up. this small interaction with the new teacher isn't what she actually expecting.

the incident happened earlier shows a different minji for her. mad minji, yes. hanni wanted to explain about the case of beer on the street which almost put minji into an accident but she doesn't want to talk anymore unless the woman asked her about that.

on the other hand, minji was real curious about her. the feeling was different. she didn't see this coming and she never knew that hanni can make her feel this way that she can't explain. the anger, the urge to make her suffer, the madness, it was all gone for a second.

there was this thing that hanni have and it's going to be minji's biggest enemy for sure.

hanni finally left the office while minji's eyes followed her until she's gone.

minji sat down as she ran her hands on her hair. she needed to think about something to make it more easy for her to be with hanni so that she can do her plan easier. she couldn't think of anything but a party.

"right. a party sounds good". she muttered. "more wine, more truths to be told". she smirked at the thought.

"pham hanni.... you're surely a big mission of mine".

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