8- leaked

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pham hanni clicked the call button for a hundred times now, hoping that jinha would answer the call. she's been looking for jinha for  6 hours now but there has no trace of the woman.

hanni ditched her class since jinha is the only thing on her mind the whole time. she can't focus on her class ever since the congressman visited them and she was worried as hell.

"come on, jinha". hanni muttered in frustration. she artived at the last place on her mind. she thinks that this abandoned building near their campus is probably where jinha is.

hanni stopped on her track as a notification sounds echoed inside the building. she immediately clicked the message button as soon as jinha's name appears.

from: lee jinha
you made it

hanni wandered her eyes as she read the message. "she's here". she whispered and ran to the second floor and witnessed a moment that she never expected.

her phone dropped on the floor as her eyes landed to jinha who was tied on the chair lifelessly. a group of familiar men was surrounded around her and hanni can't hide the anger on her.

"too late pham hanni. you should've made it fast to come here". said minhyuk who was the man that she encountered on the first day of school. He laughed devilishly as he raised the phone that jinha owned. "look what i can do".

hanni's heart stopped as she saw the screen of jinha's phone. it was her photos on the crime scene that serves as the evidence which was hidden and not yet released for her sake.

"w-what are you going to do". hanni's voice became to shake as her hands trembled.

minhyuk and the other guys around her laughed simultaneously. "simple. i'll just click this thing here and then you will be famous in just a second. don't you like that?".

hanni's gritted her teeth and shut her eyes in anger and frustration. "where the hell did yiu get that?". she asks. she was trying to control herself.

"does that even matter? why? you afraid?". minhyuk walked closer to her. his hand was fixed to the phone as he was so near to tap the 'post' button.

"delete it". said hanni right away. "please". she begged, for the first time.

"oh... you know that word huh?". minhyuk playfully chuckled and caressed the woman's head which hanni immediately moved away.

"hey, you want a deal?". minhyuk said, getting closer and closer to hanni who was doing her best to step away. seeing that hanni seem uninterested about his words, minhyuk raised the phone again. "okay. i think that's a sign to post this right now". minhyuk was stopped by hanni's voice.

"what it is". hanni immediately asked, stopping minhyuk to click the button. "WHAT'S YOUR DEAL FUCKING BASTARD!". she screamed loudly. she can't control herself right now as she imagined what will happen to her if the photos got posted. she know it will be the end of her, and she will never let that happen knowing that she's almost at the top.

minhyuk smirked at her as he put down his hand. "easy there, little princess".

hannis tears is visible now. there was nothing on her mind other than wanting to kill minhyuk right away. she doesn't deserve experiencing all of these and she was getting tired of everything when she knew herself that she didn't do anything.

"surrender yourself to me. besides, you can't do anything in the campus. no one will like you after knowing that you're a murderer. just be my girlfriend and nothing will happen. as simple as that". minhyuk smiled in satisfaction as he plays with hanni's hair.

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