4- home

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"let me change my clothes first. my apartment is just near here. is it okay?". minji asks as soon as they entered her car.

"yeah, of course". the shorter woman replied.

without saying a word again, minji put her seatbelt on and turned to hanni, she leaned in and the woman flinched by her sudden action. "your seatbelt". she muttered as she noticed hanni's reaction.

hanni smiled in embarassment. "i- i'll do it".

hearing that, minji went back to her seat, letting hanni put her seatbelt on her own. she was actually nervous for that move knowing that she can't control herself when she's near hanni. she will admit that.

seeing hanni done, she started the engine and drove away, making her way to her apartment. of course, she won't bring hanni to their home yet. she can't just put hanni in front of her dad saying she was the girl that killed her mom and he need to kill her.

well, everything actually changed. her plans were ruined by hanni. if there's a plan that she wanted to pursue, it is no other than making hanni fall in love with her.

because seriously,

minji fell for her.


right now.

that was fast and she hates hanni for that. she hates hanni for making her fall that easy.

and she hates herself for being unable to stop her feelings.

the thing is, she was worried that she might be betraying her mom right now. she was supposed to make a revenge for her and give her mom the justice she deserves but it is not what's happening now.

minji shook her head, swaying away her thoughts.

"miss kim? are you okay?". asked hanni who was staring at her, noticing that she was been thinking deeply the moment she began driving.

minji glanced at her and looked back on the way. "yeah". she replied.

hanni didn't talk again as she heard that. she then put her attention outside the window. not long ago, they arrived at minji's apartment.

minji went out of her car. her body shivers as soon as the air pressed against her skin. as she took a step, a water suddenly dropped on her skin.

"great. just great". minji sighed.

she made her way to the other door to open it and looked at hanni. "come inside. it's raining. i'll just order food for us".

hanni nods.

both of them went in and arrived inside of minji's apartment. hanni wandered her eyes. there aren't that much stuffs inside and everything is simply placed on it's own.

"i'll go to my room. you can open the tv while waiting for me". minji said, leaving hanni who just made her way to the sofa.

without anything to do, hanni grab the remote on the side of the sofa where she was sitting and opened the tv.

minji, on the other hand, made her way to the bathroom and immediately took a bath. the rain outside was getting stronger and both hanni and minji can feel the cold atmosphere.

after fixing herself, minji quickly exited her room, seeing hanni watching the tv already.

she unknowingly smiled at the sight.

"....she requested to hide her identity while nothing is proven yet. she promised to cooperate in the investigation".

hanni immediately turned the tv off. "ugh, it's all over the media". she whispered in frustration.

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