9- protect

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minji sprinted out on her her car and ran inside the building, her eyes fixed on her phone as she tried to find where hanni is.


minji stopped on her track as a gunshot echoed on the whole building. her heart is beating faster while making her way to the second floor where the gunshot came from.

minji's eyes widened as she tried to catch her breath. "PHAM HANNI!". she shouted out loud, seeing hanni lying on the floor lifelessly.

"oops, too late". minhyuk smirked in success as he stood up, waving the gun on the air, teasing minji in front of him.

"fuck it". minji cursed under her breath and quickly ran towards hanni. she pushed minhyuk away from the short girl and the guy directly fell on the floor, groaning in pain.

"h-hanni!". minji muttered and tried to shake the woman's body. her hand is now covered with hanni's blood from her arm. minji took a look on the girl's wound and luckily, the shot was not that bad but it makes hanni unconcious and badly need to be treated immediately.

minji turned around, grabbing minhyuk on the floor. "DELETE IT. RIGHT NOW". minji's voice is deep. she is dead serious to the point that she can grab the gun on minhyuk's hand and shot him right at the moment.

minhyuk didn't respond and laughed instead. the other guys who are around them was about to attack minji but minhyuk stopped them. "let me handle this alone. LEAVE THE BUILDING. NOW". he said and the other guys exchanged a look in confusion. after a moment , they decided to follow minhyuk's order, leaving the four inside.

minji's grip on his collar is getting tighter. she was out of contol right now.

"WHY WOULD I DO THAT?". minhyuk held her hands and tried to remove them from his collar. minji was strong enough to stay still.

"dang it, get off of me!". he was furious and finally able to push minji away from him. minji dropped on the floor and minhyuk immediately stood up, pointing the gun at minji's direction.

minhyuk sighed annoyingly. "DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW YOU?". he paused, smirking for the nth time. "miss kim... minji. the daughter of kim hyonjung and congressman kim who's hiding her identity to take her revenge to...". his eyes glanced at hanni. "... this little princess ".

minji clenched her fist as she tried to stand up. "i don't care about whatever you know. JUST DELETE THE POST RIGHT NOW!". her voice echoed in the whole building.

"uhuh?". minhyuk frowned. "isn't this what you want? you want to suffer her, right? you want to kill h-". before he could finish his statement, minji's fist hits his face making him groan in pain. it was real hard.

"delete everything right now before i call the police".

"why would you do that? will you surrender hanni to them? oh. that easy? i still wanna have fun with her!". minhyuk screamed like crazy and minji had enough of him. she threw another punch and kicked him right away.

fortunately, minhyuk dropped jinha's phone and minji quickly grabbed it. she immediately went to the post and clicked the delete button.

minji sighed in relief. "ugh! exhausting".

"hey!". she kicked minhyuk's foot to wake the guy. "make a post right now. tell them that it's edited and it's just a joke".

the guy finally managed to stand up. his body is weak now but he don't want to show it to minji. "only if you accept my condition". the guy grinned.

"come on, don't be such a cringe dummy". minji sighed in annoyance. both of them exchange a look for ten seconds, no one dared to talk until minji decided to break the silence.

"WHAT IS IT?". she asked.


minji immediately grabbed her first aid kit and other stuffs at the her room. fortunately, she brought all of her things from the hospital where she studied before. only if such things didn't happened, she will still continue her career.

she made her way towards hanni and quickly wore her gloves. she began the treatment. minji needs to get the bullet on hanni's arm. she is sweating at the moment, remembering that it's been a month since the last time she did this, but lucky her, she was still able to do it perfectly.

it takes her time to finish and close hanni's wound. she then applied the only bandage she have on hanni's arm and let her eyes stare at hanni for a moment

she decided not to bring hanni to the hospital and bring her to her apartment instead. from now on, she will hide hanni for a moment until she found the truth. there's so much that she wanted to ask her and this is the only way that she can do to find the answers.

she turned her attention to her phone and sighed.

"hello everyone, the post is just edited. pham hanni is not the murderer. i made it for fun so please forget everything you saw..."

minji read the new post. her mind is now occupied by her thoughts. she was hoping that she made the right choice. she hopes that her guts are right and hanni is not the real culprit. she's hoping that saving hanni will be worth it.

she came to the conclusion that hanni and her are both victims. her head is messy right now and she can't process everything on her mind.

"m-miss k-kim". minji snapped back to reality as she heard hanni's voice. she immediately bent down to check the woman on the bed and sat beside her.

"hanni". she called. hanni's hand grabbed minji's wrist. the woman was surprised by the sudden action but didn't do anything, letting hanni hold her. "i'm here. how are you?". asked minji as she leaned closer to the woman.

hanni didn't reply for a moment, her eyes are still closed but tears are visible on its side. minji noticed it. she was about to wipe it when hanni speak again, making her stop from doing it.

"i-it's not me, minji. believe me...please...". hanni then fell asleep again as she said those words as if she just came back to tell it to minji.

meanwhile, minji was left in silence. her eyes stared at the sleeping woman beside her, thinking about the words that she just heard. it echoes on her head. the way hanni call her by her name. she can feel the tiredness on her voice and for some reason, minji felt guilty for everything.

"i'm sorry". minji whispered. hanni was unconscious right now and she knows that the woman is not able to hear her. "i can't believe you right now..." she began to caress hanni's hand and stared back to hanni's resting face. "but from now on....

.... i will protect you".


hello hehe, don't forget to vote:]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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