Explantion of Epilouge

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Did you expect that?

I'll admit, I hate plot twists in stories. It always gives me an existential crisis.

But I added this one because of three reasons:

1. I was bored
2. I didn't want it to be the typical Adrienette story where they have a happy ending
3. I was bored
4. I was bored

Now, to the explanation.

We all know Luka's a pyschopath, right? But something I didn't mention is that he has Schizophrenia.

(Google it up if you would like to know more about the mental disorder)

So that's an explantation for his behaviour. Just so a heads up: I am not an expert on this disorder, so please forgive me if Luka's symptoms don't match.

So to the plot twist:

You all thought Luka was Marinette's worstmate, didn't you? Because obviously, nearly killing someone three times wasn't exactly a green flag, was it?

But I forgot to mention that Marinette is a sadist too. She also loves pain, because it's the only thing she's ever known. And so her soulmate is the one who gives her that.

Adrien is a nice guy, truly. But he's also been manipulated by his father. All he wants is his approval, so he's willing to do anything to get it. Including dabbling in some dark magic. (Like father like son eh?)

Manipulator after manipulator. It's like a cycle isn't it? But to be honest, that's what society is now. People are being influenced by social media and the government, forced to play a role they don't know they're playing. So in a way, we're all Marionettes, and the higher people are our puppeteers.

Also, did you notice that Adrien has never said "I love you" once to Marinette? It's always I need you, or I can't live without you. Because he doesn't truly love her.

In a way, he's a better manipulator than Luka.

Seem familiar? That was the prologue. The story of the two puppeteers. Adrien was the one who gave Marinette riches. Luka was the one who gave her freedom.

Although it doesn't seem like it, his kind of freedom is freedom is Marinette's eyes. Remember, all she's ever known is toxicity and ab*se. The poor girl practically grew up in trauma.

Also, the green haze Marinette lives in when she's recovering? That's the metaphor for Adrien. The green wind is him, trapping her and preventing her from finding out the truth. Luka is the blue space that Marinette falls into when she breaks out from the green haze. All the metaphors are there.

The story of the cat and the snake? That was a whole summary of the story. The cat (aka Adrien) would briefly win, but in the end it was always the snake (Luka)

I hope that clears up some questions. Although it doesn't fully explain everything, I'm hoping you can figure the rest out yourself. :)


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