Hurry Up and Kiss Me

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Anntonia stormed the staircase and angrily made her way up it. It was 11:00 pm on a Sunday night and this was the seventh weekend in a row the people on the floor above her threw a party.

Her roommate, Jade had protested for her to calm down and try to focus on her studying but it was nearly impossible. She was surprised one of the RA's hadn't cracked down on them yet.

She marched up to the door, knocked on it and waited. Anntonia crossed her arms and clenched her jaw. It took almost a minute but the door finally swung open and a brunette was standing there.

She held the door open with one hand and held a red solo cup in the other. Music was blasting loudly from the speakers and people were littered around the room.

"Hello," The brunette said with a quirked eyebrow, "Who invited you?"

"No one did," Anntonia started, but some of her anger dissipated when she saw how captivating her eyes were. "I was just coming up here to ask if you guys could keep it down? See, I live right below you, and I was trying to study and I-"

She was cut off when the brunette held the door open a little wider, "That sounds boring. Why don't you come in?"

Anntonia narrowed her eyes. "I'm trying to get things done and it's hard to do when there's so much noise coming from up here."

"Here, so we can make this less awkward, I'm Michelle. My roommate is Kate and honestly this place is probably not calming down for another few hours so why don't you come in and have a drink?"

She was about to say no, but when she was flashed a charming little smile she felt herself crack.

"One drink," Anntonia huffed. She was still trying to pretend she was mad but her first class didn't start until 10:20am and something about the other woman intrigued her.

"One drink," Michelle repeated. She stepped aside and allowed Ann inside. "What's your name?"

"Anntonia," She answered before turning around to face her. "You just let random people that you don't know come drink your alcohol?"

"Only the one's I find attractive," She shamelessly flirted which made Anntonia lightly blush.

With a shy smile, she looked up at Michelle who was a bit taller than her and raised her brows. "Where's this drink I was promised?"

Michelle smirked at her before leading her over to where a keg was stationed near the corner of the room. She grabbed a cup and swiftly filled it up for her.

"Nothin' like cheap beer on a Sunday," Michelle sarcastically remarked before handing over the cup.

Anntonia took it without hesitation and smiled back. She took a drink before taking a moment to observe who was around the room.

Her heart nearly stopped when she noticed a familiar boy with dark hair and the same bright smile she had fallen in love with less than a year ago, Irfan.

When she saw him, he happened to see her too. Michelle followed her gaze to the boy and turned back with a questioning look.

"He a friend of yours?" She asked quietly.

Anntonia noticed his hand was linked with a redheaded girl. She seemed to be practically drooling over him. "Actually he's my ex," She explained, her eyes looking up into those comforting brown ones.

Glancing back at Irfan, she realized he and his toy of the night were heading over in their direction and Anntonia did the first thing she could think of.

Grabbing Michelle's hand, she began, "I know this probably sounds insane, but he's walking over here right now and I need you to kiss me." She talked quickly and melted a little bit when she saw Michelle grin.

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