More Than That - II

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"Karolina's really pretty, don't you think?" Michelle asked. Her and Anntonia were laying on their couch, Anntonia's legs over Michelle's lap, binge watching the first season of Runaways. Kate declined joining the two roommates after dinner, ditching them for a Tinder hookup.



"She kind of looks like she could be our daughter, when we have one,"

Michelle started choking on a piece of popcorn. "What?"

"Calm down there, don't want you to die before our wedding," Anntonia giggles.

"You said ' when we have one,'"

"No, I said if we had one," Anntonia insisted, not meeting Michelle's eyes.


"Hush! Something's happening," Anntonia put a hand over Michelle's mouth, watching the screen. Right before a big reveal was about to happen, there was a pounding at the door, causing Anntonia to jump and the popcorn to spill everywhere.

"Anntonia Porsild you open this door right now!"

"Is that your mom?" Michelle asked, picking the bowl off the floor.

"I think so," Anntonia said, confused. She got off of Michelle and walked towards the door, barely opening it before Claire Porsild came charging through.

"Facebook? Really, Anntonia? Facebook? The most important moment of my daughter's life and I find out through a Facebook post?" Claire huffed, clearly pissed off. She smiled warmly at Michelle. "Hello, dear,"

"Mom, what are you doing here? It's like, one in the morning," Anntonia asked, bewildered. "You live in the suburbs,"

"I drove. Drove! At night to D.C! Because my daughter, who apparently is getting married, refused to answer my calls!"

"I-I haven't used my phone all night..." Anntonia stammered. "It died while I was out,"

Claire looked annoyed, before handing her daughter her phone. Michelle came up behind Anntonia to see as well. Anntonia's Facebook announcement that Michelle put up last night was at the top of the screen. Under it, Anntonia saw dozens of comments that she flicked through.

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Trex: Get it, Ann. I need details later

Danny: YAAAY!! Congrats!!

Tim: what

Cass : No way!! Love you both so so much!!

Irene : lol you guys owe me 50$ each Bobby And Jade

Miko : Congratulations!! Always knew you guys were meant for each other

Kate: HAHA

Anntonia rolled her eyes at the comment from Kate. At dinner, she couldn't stop looking at the pair and laughing, saying how much shit the two were going to go through because of this lie.

"My cousins bet money on when we were going to get married?" Michelle furrowed her brow at the comments made by Irene. She looked slightly offended. "Wow,"

"When did this happen? And how?" Claire demanded, eyes switching from Anntonia's to Michelle.

"Um... last week?" Michelle answered meekly. "And, um, in the kitchen... Yeah! Anntonia was um, in the kitchen cooking and I, uh, I asked her to marry me then and there. It was simple, but um, it was us,"

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