chapter fifth

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

"Is everything alright here babe?" I asked as I moved my hand to the small of the women's back, careful not to touch her but close enough for it to look intimate.

The woman looked at me intensely as she made eye contact with me. I couldn't swallow. I was hypnotized.

"I was just telling the gentleman here that my girlfriend would not appreciate how close he was to me. I was just about to look for you."

I raised an eyebrow at her then looked at the man. "I'm sorry, I'd gone to the restroom. Did you respect what she said to you?"

The man looked over me with a sad attempt at a devious smirk.

"I was just trying to get her attention. I didn't mean any harm"

"If you didn't mean any harm, then why is she literally holding onto herself? I don't think it's appropriate for you to walk up into a woman's space and assume she likes whatever this sad attempt of flirting was. She stated she had a girlfriend, at that point you move along."

"Listen lady, I just wanted her number, shit. I'll take yours too"

I chuckled and looked at the woman "That's the last time I leave you alone for more then 2 minutes"

She smiled and leaned into my face, our noses almost touching "Maybe I just wanted you to come save me"

"Next time, call me and I'll be there" I grinned looking into her eyes as I played my part while I internally screamed.

"Order for Ashton! Order for Joliè!"

She moved away from my open armed embrace to get her food as I followed behind her to grab mine leaving the male to scoff and walk away.

I'll be honest, I'm not totally sure when I even ended up next to her, but something inside my belly was tingling and screaming for me to get over there and help her.

I'm sure I'll overanalyze it later in my room.

The woman waited for me to secure the drinks in the drink carrier then walked outside of the shop with me towards my car.

"Thank you so much for that back there. I am afraid to admit, that happens far more often then it should.  My name is Joliè, it is nice to meet you Ashton" She spoke softly and extended her hand out to me with a wide smile.

When she said my name, something shot through my body and made my heart thump against my chest. 

My name never sounded so good.

I set the food and beverages down on the trunk of my car and quickly shook her hand.  She shocked me. Both of us quickly pulled our hands away.

"The pleasure is mine. I'm sorry you've had to deal with men like that. It happens to me sometimes too. I find the best way to get out of it, is to start breaking apart whatever the worst part of their words were" I said with a chuckle

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