chapter thirtieth

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Ashton pov

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Ashton pov

There are few moments in my life where I have felt a complete lack of control over the situation. One of those moments was the day Daja's mother decided to leave her on our doorstep.

Auntie Kee told us that being a mom was an honor, but that from now on we should think of her as Daja's auntie because we wouldn't be seeing her all the time anymore.

Both Daja and I being young and confused tried to reason with her while my mother stood silently fuming in the doorway on our front porch. She never said a word, just mean mugged the fuck out of Aunt Kee then promptly shooed me and Daja into the house.

I never did find out what happened after she closed us inside, but when I looked to Daja, she seemingly felt it for all of two minutes before she was moving her suitcases upstairs into "her" room.

I could see how much pain she was in, but she never told us or even showed it again. There was absolutely nothing I could do for her in that moment, I was helpless. I truly consider that as one of the worst days of my life.

It's a special thing not being able to save your sister from the pain of other people. That was the day I decided I wanted to learn more about people and their emotions. What made someone give up their only child? Especially at an age where they could understand what was happening?

The answers would haunt me until I started college, learning more about psycology and human brain waves. I became fascinated and absorbed as much as I could, becoming a sponge to the knowledge that laid before me.

Today, while in a very different situation, I feel helpless in that I couldn't move from my very uncomfortable position in my seat while Joliè sat looking at her phone.

I decided that distraction could quite possibly be my only option. I also realized that during dinner we only talked about me, and that just wouldn't do for a first date.

"Jo? Tell me something" I stated as I keep my gaze forward, not daring to draw any type of attention to my lower half.

Joliè immediately set her phone aside and turned back to face me.

"What would you like to know?" She replied casually.

"Your family, are you close like mine is?" I asked shifting my eyes to hers.

"My father and I are inseperable most days, I am missing him very dearly while I am here in America"

"What about your mom? Is she around?"

Joliè inhaled slightly and quickly looked next to my eyes before meeting my gaze again.

I furrowed my brows and turned towards her "I'm sorry I didn't meant to intrude"

She waved me off and took a deeper breath.

"Non, it is okay. My mother. Do you mind if I speak French? You will understand, yes?" She asked quietly.

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