chapter thirteenth

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Joliè's pov

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Joliè's pov

"Oh! Si tu pouvais lire dans mon coeur, tu verrais la place où je t'ai misé!
J'espère que tu trouveras ton cœur amoureux. Ma belle fille" He said with a loving smile.
(Oh, if you could read in my heart, you would see the place where I put you!
I hope you find your heart in love my beautiful daughter)

"Oui, papa. Je pense qu'elle pourrait être celle-là. Je le sens à l'intérieur de moi" I replied back with an equally loving grin.
(Yes, Dad. I think she could be the one. I feel it inside of me)

I notice Ashton's car pulling up and quickly hung up the FaceTime call with my father.

"Maintenant je dois raccrocher. Elle est arrivée. Au revoir papa, je vais te parler bientôt"
(Now I have to hang up. She's arrived. Goodbye Dad, I'll talk to you soon)

"Au revoir, mon petit"  He blew me a kiss that I happily caught.
(Goodbye, my little one)

You know those moments in movies, where the camera zooms in on one singular thing and everything else fades out?

The moment where someone inhales and holds it during a deep breath?

That is how I feel every single time I see Ashton.

The wind leaves my lungs like a baby bird leaving home for the first time. It is foreign, yet exhilarating.

The moment I saw her in the bagel shop, something clicked in my head. The gears were moving like in unison like the ripples in the ocean when you dare to disturb it's calming slumber.

It felt like finding the answer to the unknown questions that I never knew I had inside of me.

When I shook her hand, there was literally a shockwave that traveled from the tips of my fingers down to my toes and the top of my head.

She was intoxicating.

I have not been able to stop thinking about her. She had even invaded my senses to a point, where I could not get any work done on my business trip.

I got out of the car and literally could not remove my eyes from her. She was exquisite

My eyes traveled over every single inch of her. Her outfit was hugging her so perfectly that I could see every outline of her breathtaking curves.

My mouth was watering like the moment a chocolate melts to your tongue. The sweetness taking over your senses like there is nothing else to breathe in the moment.

I could not look away, and I knew I was staring so hard, but it is a small price to pay for me to memorize this particular moment in time.

Once I felt like I could make an exact replica of her on an easel. I forced myself to meet her eyes, but she was already staring back into mine.

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