Chapter Fourty-Nine

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—Third Person POV.—

(Y/n) stirred, brows furrowing and expression grimacing as her eyes flutter open—gaze casting around the new room with confusion twisting into her pained features.

The back of her head ached horribly, sending agonizing waves across her pounding skull and causing her eyes to squeeze shut for a brief moment.

"What.." Her voice was a croak as her mind played remnants of the puzzle—dropping each piece to fall into place.

All she could picture was walking into their shared room; once the door clicked shut behind her, she turned to ask the two why they had grown silent when the blunt of a weapon slammed into her temple.

"Great, you're up."

(Y/n)'s body went rigid from the gruff voice, eyes swiftly flickering up to see a familiar Barbarian sitting on the edge of a chair, hands idly cleaning off one of his swords.

She went to move, only for her dazed mind to realize her arms were tied painfully behind her back.

She had to crane her head upwards just to get a glance of the Dragon standing with his back against the wall near the entrance.

Thinned pupils stayed fixated on the Hunter as his arms cross over his chest in agitation.

"What— What's going on..?" She managed to sputter out as her gaze flickered back and forth between the two—causing a scoff to escaped the Barbarians lips as he suddenly stood from his spot.

Trotting over, his sword hung at his side "Shut the fuck up, we're asking the questions here." Katsuki Bakugo sneers with his blood-like glare pointed down on the girl.

"I don't understand—" She went to speak, only for her voice to be cut short as his boot slammed harshly into her shoulder—forcing her onto her back with a cry of pain.

There's a gasp that escapes her lips as the Barbarian rested the bottom of his shoe on her chest—applying just enough pressure to her ribcage so she'd lose her breath.

"You understand now?" He inquires, leaning forward to rest his elbow on his propped up knee.

(Y/n) quickly nodded, gaze staring up through teary-eyes as a few stray whimpers fell from her lips—this nearly made the Barbarians grip loosen but he quickly scowled at the sight.

"Who the fuck are you." Katsuki hisses before shifting upright to point the tip of his blade down at the girl.

"I'm (Y/n)—" "Don't try to lie." Another voice cuts in, tone low with irritation as the Dragon pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to the two.

"We don't take kindly to liars." He continues and as if on cue, the Barbarian pressed the blade tentatively to her neck, creating a noticeable compression that made her breath hitch in her throat.

After a few seconds, he drew the sword back a bit so the Hunter could breathe "Now answer, who the hell are you." (Y/n) coughed slightly as she drew in a sharp intake of air "I'm your ma—"

Katsuki pulled back—relieving the pressure from her chest before stomping down again, forcing multiple audible cracks from her ribs and causing a shriek to erupt from her throat.

"You don't get to claim that," Eijiro sneers as he crouches down and forces a cloth onto her lower-face—easily muffling the girls cries of agony "Not with her voice."

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