Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Happy to inform I am STILL ALIVE (smh) anywyas, enjoy pooks 🎀😘

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Happy to inform I am STILL ALIVE (smh) anywyas, enjoy pooks 🎀😘

—First Person POV.—

"What the fuck—" It had taken a moment before Katsuki found his voice again with legs stumbling back as the support upholding my body faltered.

My arms shot up, instinctively locking around his neck—I'm still rightfully pissed, but obviously wouldn't want him to drop me any time soon, especially with the floors being made of hard wood.


Okay, maybe a part of me was thankful he had fast enough reflex's to catch me before I met the ground.

It took him a moment to regain his balance—the grating sound of boots stomping over gravel finally coming to a stop with his steadied being.

And those scarlet eyes snap upwards upon, swiftly taking notice of the dragon poking his head through the agape skylight with golden eyes watching the scene unfold below him.

There was a pause as our shouts dispersed into silence and that familiar rugged voice cuts through the air, toned down to finally address the crimson beast "The hell are you doing here?"

There's a bitter edge to his words, brows furrowing and contorting his expression to one of resentment.

And a hiss shoots through the air, rows of jagged teeth on display with Eijiro's response. Then, he turns away, slitted pupils casting throughout the room and scanning it to ignore Katsuki.

My arms unclasp and slide down from his nape before the back of my hand smacks his chest—this time not in an attempted-assault manner.

"He's here because you decided to just up and leave us for no reason!" I state, causing his attention to flicker down to meet my gaze with scarlet irises.

His features scrunch up in irritation but I don't stop there "—You really thought you could just decide on something so severe and we'd just go along with it?? Seriously Katsuki, you're supposed to be the smart one!" My volume is starting to elevate with the pissed off scoldings.

"—I did what I had to do, plus we fuckin' argued about it that night!" He sneers and his grip on me tightens ever so slightly.

I can feel my expression change, blood boiling with aggression winding in "Yeah, he told me while I was trying to get those heavy-ass chains off of him— How could you do that?!" I hiss and screw peace or whatever the hell I promised before this—I raise a fist to full on punch him.

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